vsftpd 日志(/var/log/vsftpd)

vsftpd 日志(/var/log/vsftpd)

我安装了 vsftpd 并使用 ufw 作为防火墙。我可以连接到 ftp 服务器、登录并更改目录,但从外部和本地主机尝试使用 LIST 命令都会超时。通过阅读其他答案,我相信这是由于我的被动端口未正确打开。但是,据我所知,端口在 ufw 中是打开的。此外,当我运行ufw disable并重试时,问题仍然存在。这种情况发生在与服务器相同的主机上,这让我相信我的系统上存在其他问题。

vsftpd 日志(/var/log/vsftpd)

Tue Jan  2 21:22:03 2024 [pid 2] CONNECT: Client ""
Tue Jan  2 21:22:03 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", "220 (vsFTPd 3.0.3)"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:03 2024 [pid 2] FTP command: Client "", "FEAT"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:03 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", "211-Features:"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:03 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", " EPRT??"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:03 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", " EPSV??"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:03 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", " MDTM??"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:03 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", " PASV??"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:03 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", " REST STREAM??"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:03 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", " SIZE??"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:03 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", " TVFS??"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:03 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", " UTF8??"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:03 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", "211 End"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:03 2024 [pid 2] FTP command: Client "", "OPTS UTF8 ON"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:03 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", "200 Always in UTF8 mode."
Tue Jan  2 21:22:03 2024 [pid 2] FTP command: Client "", "USER anonymous"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:03 2024 [pid 2] [anonymous] FTP response: Client "", "331 Please specify the password."
Tue Jan  2 21:22:03 2024 [pid 2] [anonymous] FTP command: Client "", "PASS <password>"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:03 2024 [pid 1] [ftp] OK LOGIN: Client "", anon password "lftp@"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:03 2024 [pid 3] [ftp] FTP response: Client "", "230 Login successful."
Tue Jan  2 21:22:03 2024 [pid 3] [ftp] FTP command: Client "", "PWD"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:03 2024 [pid 3] [ftp] FTP response: Client "", "257 "/" is the current directory"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:08 2024 [pid 3] [ftp] FTP command: Client "", "CWD /tv"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:08 2024 [pid 3] [ftp] FTP response: Client "", "250 Directory successfully changed."
Tue Jan  2 21:22:16 2024 [pid 3] [ftp] FTP command: Client "", "CWD /nonefolder"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:16 2024 [pid 3] [ftp] FTP response: Client "", "550 Failed to change directory."
Tue Jan  2 21:22:19 2024 [pid 3] [ftp] FTP command: Client "", "CWD /"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:19 2024 [pid 3] [ftp] FTP response: Client "", "250 Directory successfully changed."
Tue Jan  2 21:22:19 2024 [pid 3] [ftp] FTP command: Client "", "PASV"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:19 2024 [pid 3] [ftp] FTP response: Client "", "227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,39,111)."
Tue Jan  2 21:22:19 2024 [pid 3] [ftp] FTP command: Client "", "LIST"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:27 2024 [pid 2] CONNECT: Client ""
Tue Jan  2 21:22:27 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", "220 (vsFTPd 3.0.3)"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:27 2024 [pid 2] FTP command: Client "", "FEAT"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:27 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", "211-Features:"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:27 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", " EPRT??"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:27 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", " EPSV??"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:27 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", " MDTM??"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:27 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", " PASV??"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:27 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", " REST STREAM??"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:27 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", " SIZE??"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:27 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", " TVFS??"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:27 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", " UTF8??"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:27 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", "211 End"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:27 2024 [pid 2] FTP command: Client "", "OPTS UTF8 ON"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:27 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", "200 Always in UTF8 mode."
Tue Jan  2 21:22:27 2024 [pid 2] FTP command: Client "", "USER anonymous"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:27 2024 [pid 2] [anonymous] FTP response: Client "", "331 Please specify the password."
Tue Jan  2 21:22:27 2024 [pid 2] [anonymous] FTP command: Client "", "PASS <password>"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:27 2024 [pid 1] [ftp] OK LOGIN: Client "", anon password "lftp@"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:27 2024 [pid 3] [ftp] FTP response: Client "", "230 Login successful."
Tue Jan  2 21:22:27 2024 [pid 3] [ftp] FTP command: Client "", "CWD /tv"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:27 2024 [pid 3] [ftp] FTP response: Client "", "250 Directory successfully changed."
Tue Jan  2 21:22:27 2024 [pid 3] [ftp] FTP command: Client "", "PASV"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:27 2024 [pid 3] [ftp] FTP response: Client "", "227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,39,112)."
Tue Jan  2 21:22:27 2024 [pid 3] [ftp] FTP command: Client "", "LIST"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:42 2024 [pid 2] CONNECT: Client ""
Tue Jan  2 21:22:42 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", "220 (vsFTPd 3.0.3)"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:42 2024 [pid 2] FTP command: Client "", "FEAT"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:42 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", "211-Features:"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:42 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", " EPRT??"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:42 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", " EPSV??"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:42 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", " MDTM??"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:42 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", " PASV??"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:42 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", " REST STREAM??"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:42 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", " SIZE??"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:42 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", " TVFS??"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:42 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", " UTF8??"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:42 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", "211 End"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:42 2024 [pid 2] FTP command: Client "", "OPTS UTF8 ON"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:42 2024 [pid 2] FTP response: Client "", "200 Always in UTF8 mode."
Tue Jan  2 21:22:42 2024 [pid 2] FTP command: Client "", "USER anonymous"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:42 2024 [pid 2] [anonymous] FTP response: Client "", "331 Please specify the password."
Tue Jan  2 21:22:42 2024 [pid 2] [anonymous] FTP command: Client "", "PASS <password>"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:42 2024 [pid 1] [ftp] OK LOGIN: Client "", anon password "lftp@"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:42 2024 [pid 3] [ftp] FTP response: Client "", "230 Login successful."
Tue Jan  2 21:22:42 2024 [pid 3] [ftp] FTP command: Client "", "CWD /tv"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:42 2024 [pid 3] [ftp] FTP response: Client "", "250 Directory successfully changed."
Tue Jan  2 21:22:42 2024 [pid 3] [ftp] FTP command: Client "", "PASV"
Tue Jan  2 21:22:42 2024 [pid 3] [ftp] FTP response: Client "", "227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,39,106)."
Tue Jan  2 21:22:42 2024 [pid 3] [ftp] FTP command: Client "", "LIST"

lftp 日志

[root@ladybug ~]# lftp
lftp :~> open
lftp> cd
cd ok, cwd=/
lftp> cd tv
cd ok, cwd=/tv
lftp> cd ..
lftp> cd nonefolder
cd: Access failed: 550 Failed to change directory. (/nonefolder)
lftp> ls
ls: Fatal error: 500 OOPS:           
lftp> cd tv
lftp> ls
ls: Fatal error: 500 OOPS:                 

Filezilla 日志(与上面两个日志不同)

Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS.
Status: Logged in
Status: Retrieving directory listing...
Command:    PWD
Response:   257 "/" is the current directory
Command:    TYPE I
Response:   200 Switching to Binary mode.
Command:    PASV
Response:   227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,12,39,110).
Command:    LIST
Error:  Could not read from transfer socket: ECONNRESET - Connection reset by peer
Error:  Connection closed by server
Error:  Failed to retrieve directory listing
Status: Disconnected from server
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS.
Status: Logged in
Status: Retrieving directory listing...
Command:    PWD
Response:   257 "/" is the current directory
Command:    TYPE I
Response:   200 Switching to Binary mode.
Command:    PASV
Response:   227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,12,39,114).
Command:    LIST
Error:  Connection closed by server
Error:  Failed to retrieve directory listing



ufw 规则(活动时)

To                         Action      From
--                         ------      ----
20/tcp                     ALLOW       Anywhere                  
21/tcp                     ALLOW       Anywhere                  
10090:10100/tcp            ALLOW       Anywhere                  
20/tcp (v6)                ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)             
21/tcp (v6)                ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)             
10090:10100/tcp (v6)       ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)  

ftp 根权限

ftpd@ladybug:/mnt/hdd-8tb/home/ftpd$ ls -la
total 52
dr-xr-xr-x  9 ftpd ftpd 4096 Jan  1 18:47 .
drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 4096 Jan  1 18:39 ..
-rw-rw-r--  1 ftpd ftpd 3339 Jan  2 21:20 .bash_history
-rw-rw-r--  1 ftpd ftpd  220 Jan 28  2023 .bash_logout
-rw-rw-r--  1 ftpd ftpd 3771 Jan 28  2023 .bashrc
drwxr-xr-x  9 ftpd ftpd 4096 Jul 29 21:46 books
drwxr-xr-x  5 ftpd ftpd 4096 Apr 13  2023 comics
drwxr-xr-x 10 ftpd ftpd 4096 Dec 31 18:44 games
drwxr-xr-x  7 ftpd ftpd 4096 Aug 25 21:20 movies
drwxr-xr-x 16 ftpd ftpd 4096 Apr 13  2023 music
-rw-rw-r--  1 ftpd ftpd  807 Jan 28  2023 .profile
drwxr-xr-x 16 ftpd ftpd 4096 Nov 12 20:49 tv
drwxr-xr-x  2 ftpd ftpd 4096 Jan  1 18:47 util

我不知道还能尝试什么。似乎 vsftpd 不接受这些端口上的连接,尽管我指定了它们。目前愿意尝试任何方法。


在谷歌上进行彻底的搜索后,我找到了与删除 LIST 命令有关的答案。

来自archlinux 维基

4.7 VSFTPD reset connect via LIST command

  > seccomp_sandbox=NO

into the vsftpd.conf file fixes this issue 

看起来已经有类似的答案了这里这里症状不同,但修复方法相同。这两个都没有提到 LIST 的问题,我想这就是我最初没有找到它们的原因。为什么将它添加到 conf 文件中可以修复任何问题?此标志未记录在 vsftpd.conf 手册页、网站或我能找到的任何 wiki 中。下载源代码显示它是 parseconf.c 中的一个有效选项

parseconf.c:  { "seccomp_sandbox", &tunable_seccomp_sandbox },

并且看起来默认设置(至少在最新的 vsftpd 版本中)是被禁用的。

tunables.c:  tunable_seccomp_sandbox = 0;

