

apt-get update收到错误信息:

Reading package lists... done   
N: Skipping acquire of configured file "main/binary-i386/Packages"   
as repository "https://repo.ckvsoft.at/ckvsoft jammy-ckvsoft-stable InRelease" doesn't support architecture 'i386'.

我已经查看过 apt 目录,但没有找到“main/binary-i386/Packages”文件。这是一个新建的完全 64 位系统。

我发现 Google Chrome 可以解决这个问题,但是没有指向 Google 的存储库。


您可能希望启用 i386 来消除错误,而不是删除 i386。无法安装 i386 软件包sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386假设您的 64 位系统是 Intel/AMD 而不是 ARM。您的“ckvsoft”供应商可能希望继续提供 32 位软件,而您想要安装它。

如果你确实想将 i386 与这个“ckvsoft”一起删除:

cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d # This is the one of many apt directories you seek
grep ckvsoft -r .
sudo rm ./name-of-the-file.list
# Depending on how you installed it,
# there might be cleaner ways like
# `apt remove name_of_package_for_the_list` or
# https://askubuntu.com/q/307/1004020
# that remove the gpg key as well
# but they require more assumptions

sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
sudo apt update
