尝试通过“ubuntu 软件”应用程序更新后,我的戴尔扩展坞变得非常不可靠,并且连接/断开速度很快

尝试通过“ubuntu 软件”应用程序更新后,我的戴尔扩展坞变得非常不可靠,并且连接/断开速度很快

尝试通过 GUI Ubuntu 软件应用程序更新后,我的扩展坞非常不可靠,我无法使用它。它有时会随机工作,我不知道什么时候有规律。

当我插入 USB-C 扩展坞时,指示灯会反复闪烁、熄灭。

我认为在尝试更新驱动程序时出了点问题。我在 fwupdmgr 中看到三个错误,但我不知道该如何解决。

我使用的是 Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS,但是这个问题在我从 20.04 升级之前就开始了。

$ fwupdmgr get-history
XPS 13 9360
├─XPS13 9360 Thunderbolt Controller:
│ │   Device ID:          14ddf01499c3cc62d536f9ceca420ae0383f9421
│ │   Previous version:   21.00
│ │   Update State:       Failed
│ │   Update Error:       could not detect device after update: timed out while waiting for device
│ │   Last modified:      2019-08-12 16:32
│ │   GUID:               7488415f-8db5-5993-a48e-5a43914afb69
│ │   Device Flags:       • Internal device
│ │                       • Updatable
│ │ 
│ └─  New version:      26.01
│       License:          Unknown
│       Description:      
│       The vendor did not supply any release notes.
├─System Firmware:
│ │   Device ID:          3f0ecc7823ee99c718693e8ecca38f54e8738dc5
│ │   Previous version:   2.10.0
│ │   Update State:       Success
│ │   Last modified:      2022-03-09 15:56
│ │   GUID:               5ffdbc0d-f340-441c-a803-8439c8c0ae10
│ │   Device Flags:       • Internal device
│ │                       • Updatable
│ │                       • System requires external power source
│ │                       • Needs a reboot after installation
│ │                       • Cryptographic hash verification is available
│ │                       • Device is usable for the duration of the update
│ │ 
│ └─  New version:      2.19.0
│       License:          Unknown
│       Description:      
│       The vendor did not supply any release notes.
├─RTS5413 in Dell dock:
│ │   Device ID:          6f411e840cea552f9cab21447f8e3cfb142d6fa1
│ │   Previous version:   01.21
│ │   Update State:       Success
│ │   Last modified:      2024-02-08 16:25
│ │   GUID:               86fb40c0-8bf5-5a8b-a4ad-3156cf6bfaf4
│ │   Device Flags:       • Updatable
│ │                       • Supported on remote server
│ │                       • Reported to remote server
│ │                       • Device stages updates
│ │                       • Device is usable for the duration of the update
│ │ 
│ └─  New version:      01.22
│       Remote ID:        lvfs
│       License:          Unknown
│       Description:      
│       The vendor did not supply any release notes.
├─RTS5487 in Dell dock:
│ │   Device ID:          1d4e79c3626fff0bfe6e5209f0a4d8664370ceac
│ │   Previous version:   01.49
│ │   Update State:       Success
│ │   Last modified:      2024-02-08 16:25
│ │   GUID:               707c63d2-e597-5c40-84db-9b1bb4c48d96
│ │   Device Flags:       • Updatable
│ │                       • Supported on remote server
│ │                       • Reported to remote server
│ │                       • Device stages updates
│ │                       • Device is usable for the duration of the update
│ │ 
│ └─  New version:      01.57
│       Remote ID:        lvfs
│       License:          Unknown
│       Description:      
│       The vendor did not supply any release notes.
├─Package level of Dell dock:
│ │   Device ID:          f743db9ca9b0a22e945bc76c8a3f31daa131ed7e
│ │   Previous version:
│ │   Update State:       Success
│ │   Update Error:       Pending activation
│ │   Last modified:      2024-02-08 16:25
│ │   GUID:               8ceeeffd-51b6-580c-9b75-69143227aff8
│ │   Device Flags:       • Supported on remote server
│ │                       • Reported to remote server
│ │                       • Device can recover flash failures
│ │                       • Device is usable for the duration of the update
│ │ 
│ └─  New version:
│       Remote ID:        lvfs
│       License:          Unknown
│       Description:      
│       The vendor did not supply any release notes.
├─VMM5331 in Dell dock:
│ │   Device ID:          35042fd1015b0dbb13051691ae2a621725d82c6a
│ │   Previous version:   05.07.01
│ │   Update State:       Success
│ │   Update Error:       Pending activation
│ │   Last modified:      2024-02-08 16:25
│ │   GUID:               89fec0b6-6b76-5008-b82c-5e5c6c164007
│ │   Device Flags:       • Supported on remote server
│ │                       • Reported to remote server
│ │                       • Device stages updates
│ │                       • Device is usable for the duration of the update
│ │ 
│ └─  New version:      05.07.04
│       Remote ID:        lvfs
│       License:          Unknown
│       Description:      
│       The vendor did not supply any release notes.
│ │   Device ID:          7c2276ed247f2b1af92a58091c0908548abfbdc8
│ │   Previous version:
│ │   Update State:       Success
│ │   Last modified:      2024-02-08 16:26
│ │   GUID:               cd357cf1-40b2-5d87-b8df-bb2dd82774aa
│ │   Device Flags:       • Supported on remote server
│ │                       • Reported to remote server
│ │                       • Device update needs activation
│ │                       • Device stages updates
│ │                       • Device can recover flash failures
│ │                       • Device is usable for the duration of the update
│ │ 
│ └─  New version:
│       Remote ID:        lvfs
│       License:          Unknown
│       Description:      
│       The vendor did not supply any release notes.
└─System Firmware:
  │   Device ID:          a45df35ac0e948ee180fe216a5f703f32dda163f
  │   Previous version:   2.19.0
  │   Update State:       Success
  │   Last modified:      2024-02-08 16:32
  │   GUID:               5ffdbc0d-f340-441c-a803-8439c8c0ae10
  │   Device Flags:       • Internal device
  │                       • Updatable
  │                       • System requires external power source
  │                       • Supported on remote server
  │                       • Needs a reboot after installation
  │                       • Reported to remote server
  │                       • Cryptographic hash verification is available
  │                       • Device is usable for the duration of the update
  └─  New version:      2.21.0
        Remote ID:        lvfs
        License:          Unknown
        The vendor did not supply any release notes.



$ sudo fwupdmgr downgrade
Choose a device:
0.  Cancel
1.  f743db9ca9b0a22e945bc76c8a3f31daa131ed7e (Package level of Dell dock)
2.  6f411e840cea552f9cab21447f8e3cfb142d6fa1 (RTS5413 in Dell dock)
3.  1d4e79c3626fff0bfe6e5209f0a4d8664370ceac (RTS5487 in Dell dock)
4.  35042fd1015b0dbb13051691ae2a621725d82c6a (VMM5331 in Dell dock)
5.  7c2276ed247f2b1af92a58091c0908548abfbdc8 (WD19S)
6.  a45df35ac0e948ee180fe216a5f703f32dda163f (System Firmware)

USB 已连接,尽管它出现故障,但系统识别了戴尔坞站。我选择了 1,然后系统提示我将其降级,其余的也降级。现在一切似乎都稳定了!
