我正在尝试在 ubuntu[当前版本] 上安装 Kubernetes Tools

我正在尝试在 ubuntu[当前版本] 上安装 Kubernetes Tools

kubernetes 文档[https://phoenixnap.com/kb/install-kubernetes-on-ubuntu] sudo apt install kubeadm kubelet kubectl

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done

No apt package "kubeadm", but there is a snap with that name.
Try "snap install kubeadm"

No apt package "kubectl", but there is a snap with that name.
Try "snap install kubectl"

No apt package "kubelet", but there is a snap with that name.
Try "snap install kubelet"

E: Unable to locate package kubeadm
E: Unable to locate package kubelet
E: Unable to locate package kubectl

我是 kali linux 用户。我是 ubuntu 新手,因为我认为 ubuntu 很轻量,适合安装一些漏洞赏金工具。google gemini 回答{使用 snap 包(不推荐用于生产)

虽然消息建议使用 snap 包,但与传统的 apt 包相比,由于潜在的安全问题和限制,通常不建议在生产环境中使用它。}
