Ubuntu 14.04 升级到 16.04 破坏了我的 ZFS

Ubuntu 14.04 升级到 16.04 破坏了我的 ZFS

我刚刚将 Ubuntu 从 14.04 升级到 16.04,这似乎破坏了 ZFS。我按照说明这里并清除了所有旧的 ZFS 软件包。然后我从默认的 16.04 PPA 安装了 zfsutils-linux,但每当我运行任何 ZFS 命令时,我都会收到以下错误:

:~$ sudo zfs get all
The ZFS modules are not loaded.
Try running '/sbin/modprobe zfs' as root to load them.

我尝试使用 modprobe 按照错误消息的建议:

:~$ sudo /sbin/modprobe zfs
modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'zfs': Invalid argument

看起来好像没有安装 ZFS,但是 apt-get 显示已经安装:

:~$ sudo apt-get install zfsutils-linux
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
zfsutils-linux is already the newest version (
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.
N: Ignoring file '50unattended-upgrades.ucf-dist' in directory '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension

我还亲自来到我的机器上,而不是使用 SSH 来观察启动过程,并看到许多 ZFS 项目在启动时失败,其中一个我认为是关于依赖关系的,但它过去得太快了,我没法全部读完。我试图通过查看启动日志来查看它们说了什么,但我找不到与启动期间显示的输出相匹配的启动日志文件。我可以在哪里查看启动时实际失败的原因?

进一步有趣的发现是,如果我只使用 zfs 命令,我会得到“缺少命令”输出,但是当添加任何命令时,我都会收到上述相同的错误消息。

:~$ zfs
missing command
usage: zfs command args ...
where 'command' is one of the following:

        create [-p] [-o property=value] ... <filesystem>
        create [-ps] [-b blocksize] [-o property=value] ... -V <size> <volume>
        destroy [-fnpRrv] <filesystem|volume>
        destroy [-dnpRrv] <filesystem|volume>@<snap>[%<snap>][,...]
        destroy <filesystem|volume>#<bookmark>

        snapshot|snap [-r] [-o property=value] ... <filesystem|volume>@<snap> ..                                                                                                                                                             .
        rollback [-rRf] <snapshot>
        clone [-p] [-o property=value] ... <snapshot> <filesystem|volume>
        promote <clone-filesystem>
        rename [-f] <filesystem|volume|snapshot> <filesystem|volume|snapshot>
        rename [-f] -p <filesystem|volume> <filesystem|volume>
        rename -r <snapshot> <snapshot>
        bookmark <snapshot> <bookmark>

        list [-Hp] [-r|-d max] [-o property[,...]] [-s property]...
            [-S property]... [-t type[,...]] [filesystem|volume|snapshot] ...

        set <property=value> <filesystem|volume|snapshot> ...
        get [-rHp] [-d max] [-o "all" | field[,...]]
            [-t type[,...]] [-s source[,...]]
            <"all" | property[,...]> [filesystem|volume|snapshot] ...
        inherit [-rS] <property> <filesystem|volume|snapshot> ...
        upgrade [-v]
        upgrade [-r] [-V version] <-a | filesystem ...>
        userspace [-Hinp] [-o field[,...]] [-s field] ...
            [-S field] ... [-t type[,...]] <filesystem|snapshot>
        groupspace [-Hinp] [-o field[,...]] [-s field] ...
            [-S field] ... [-t type[,...]] <filesystem|snapshot>

        mount [-vO] [-o opts] <-a | filesystem>
        unmount [-f] <-a | filesystem|mountpoint>
        share <-a | filesystem>
        unshare <-a | filesystem|mountpoint>

        send [-DnPpRvLe] [-[iI] snapshot] <snapshot>
        send [-Le] [-i snapshot|bookmark] <filesystem|volume|snapshot>
        receive [-vnFu] <filesystem|volume|snapshot>
        receive [-vnFu] [-d | -e] <filesystem>

        allow <filesystem|volume>
        allow [-ldug] <"everyone"|user|group>[,...] <perm|@setname>[,...]
        allow [-ld] -e <perm|@setname>[,...] <filesystem|volume>
        allow -c <perm|@setname>[,...] <filesystem|volume>
        allow -s @setname <perm|@setname>[,...] <filesystem|volume>

        unallow [-rldug] <"everyone"|user|group>[,...]
            [<perm|@setname>[,...]] <filesystem|volume>
        unallow [-rld] -e [<perm|@setname>[,...]] <filesystem|volume>
        unallow [-r] -c [<perm|@setname>[,...]] <filesystem|volume>
        unallow [-r] -s @setname [<perm|@setname>[,...]] <filesystem|volume>

        hold [-r] <tag> <snapshot> ...
        holds [-r] <snapshot> ...
        release [-r] <tag> <snapshot> ...
        diff [-FHt] <snapshot> [snapshot|filesystem]

Each dataset is of the form: pool/[dataset/]*dataset[@name]

For the property list, run: zfs set|get

For the delegated permission list, run: zfs allow|unallow

我还能做什么来解决此 ZFS 安装问题?


从 12.04 升级到 16.04 时也遇到了类似的问题。最后终于可以正常工作了,但我记不清具体做了什么(第 2 步不太明显)。

  1. zfs删除包括 PPA 在内的旧软件包,请参阅使用 ubuntu-zfs 从 ubuntu server 14.04 LTS 升级到 16.04 LTS
  2. 删除:spl-dkms和(我认为)spl
  3. 重新安装zfs



apt clean
apt update
apt purge zfs*
apt remove spl dkms spl-dkms
apt autoremove
add-apt-repository --remove ppa:zfs-native/stable

apt install zfsutils-linux
apt install spl-dkms

reboot -n
