Ubuntu 16.04 在输入 sudo pm-hibernate 后无法休眠

Ubuntu 16.04 在输入 sudo pm-hibernate 后无法休眠

我的电脑是 HP OMEN 笔记本电脑,RAM 为 8GB,SWAP 空间为 20GB,是 RAM 的两倍多,每次我输入命令时:sudo pm-hibernate,屏幕就会关闭一两秒,之后又会重新打开,似乎什么都没有发生。

我检查了一下hibernate session,成功了,其实我之前的SWAP空间是8GB,加上了 的空间SWAP,现在有20GB了,我觉得已经够用了。内核版本更新了,这个链接的方法我都试过了:Ubuntu 16.04 不休眠那么,你们能尽快帮我解决这个问题吗?因为这对我来说真的很重要!!!


Open the Terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+t or by searching for terminal in the Dash.

Type sudo systemctl hibernate into the terminal and press Enter.

Enter your password when prompted.



Check if your swap partition is at least as large as your available RAM.

The presence of btrfs partitions has proved to make hibernation fail, so check that you're not using any btrfs partitions. Besides removing or reformatting such partitions, you may need to remove the btrfs-tools package:

sudo apt purge btrfs-tools
