除了 Gnome 之外,几乎所有地方的字体都是模糊和丑陋的:google chrome、intellij idea 等。
Ubuntu 18.10 附带:
libcairo 1.15.12
libfreetype 2.8.1
fontconfig 2.13
fontconfig-config 2.13
libfreetype 2.9.1
和最终的 fontconfig 包。
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM 'fonts.dtd'>
These are the true system defaults that will override ones from `gnome-tweaks`.
Unfortunately, `gnome-tweaks` does not provide all of these options in the UI. Without them "full" style hinting looks weird - doesn't seem to use BCI-hinting or attempts to enable both and ends up with a mess. Anyway, this fixes it.
<match target="font">
<edit name="hinting" mode="assign">
<edit name="autohint" mode="assign">
<edit name="antialias" mode="assign">
<edit name="hintstyle" mode="assign">
Italic variants look jagged without forcing the DPI. Default DPI of FreeType is 72. Verify with `fc-match` if in doubt.
<edit name="dpi" mode="assign">
<!-- This enables the autohinter for known-bad fonts without hinting instructions regardless of system defaults above -->
<!-- This marks known-good fonts with a tag -->
<!-- This ensures that known-good fonts will have the right options set regardless of system defaults above -->
这是因为从 18.04 升级到 18.10。我刚刚在笔记本电脑上测试了全新安装的 18.10,字体没有问题。
但是,这并不意味着字体完全没有问题。在我新安装的 18.10(笔记本电脑)上,Telegram 启动大约需要 2-3 分钟,因为它无法在特定位置找到所需的字体。