USB 无法安装,仅作为就绪状态

USB 无法安装,仅作为就绪状态

我有一个处于只读模式的 USB:

getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
file: media/user/USB/
owner: user
group: user user::rwx group::r-x other::r-x

运行时fsck -p /dev/sdc1,我收到:

fsck from util-linux 2.37.2 /dev/sdc1 is mounted.

WARNING!!!  The filesystem is mounted.   If you continue you
***WILL*** cause ***SEVERE*** filesystem damage.

Do you really want to continue<n>? yes fsck.ext2: Permission denied
while trying to open /dev/sdc1 You must have r/w access to the
filesystem or be root

sudo fsck -p /dev/sdc1或者sudo dosfsck /dev/sdc1

*** Filesystem was changed *** The changes have not yet been written, you can still choose to leave the filesystem unmodified: 1) Write
changes 2) Leave filesystem unchanged [12?q]? 1 /dev/sdc1: 5 files,
71844/3754495 clusters *Writing 512 bytes at 3072 failed: Operation not
permitted Writing 512 bytes at 0 failed: Operation not permitted
Writing 4 bytes at 1000 failed: Operation not permitted*

sudo fdisk /dev/sdc1

fdisk: failed to write disklabel: Operation not permitted

sudo rm filename.mkv

rm: cannot remove 'filename.mkv': Read-only file

sudo chown user:user /media/user/USB/

chown: changing ownership of '/media/user/USB/': Read-only file system

挂载/卸载无关紧要,我无法更改或修改 USB,尝试过sudo -isudo su没有帮助。我在网上查看了所有指南,但上述命令之一帮助那个人解决了问题,但对我没用。USB 没有可见的只读模式,以前从未发生过这种情况。

我也尝试删除它的条目,sudo nano /etc/fstab但没有帮助。
