无法在 Debian 9.2 中读取音频 CD

无法在 Debian 9.2 中读取音频 CD

我正在运行 debian 9.2 机器,并配有 Plextor PX-716A DVD 驱动器作为/dev/sr0.我想使用 将音乐 CD 翻录为 MP3 abcde。当我尝试启动时abcde

$ abcde -V -d /dev/sr0
CDDB method 0: cddb
Executing customizable pre-read function... done.
Getting CD track info... [WARNING] something went wrong while querying the CD... Maybe a DATA CD?
[WARNING] Error trying to calculate disc ids without lead-out information.


$ cdparanoia -vsQ
cdparanoia III release 10.2 (September 11, 2008)

Using cdda library version: 10.2
Using paranoia library version: 10.2
Checking /dev/cdrom for cdrom...
    Testing /dev/cdrom for SCSI/MMC interface
        SG_IO device: /dev/sr0

CDROM model sensed sensed: PLEXTOR DVDR   PX-716A 1.08 

Checking for SCSI emulation...
    Drive is ATAPI (using SG_IO host adaptor emulation)

Checking for MMC style command set...
    Drive is MMC style
004: Unable to read table of contents header

Unable to open disc.  Is there an audio CD in the drive?


$ cd-discid 
cd-discid: /dev/cdrom: CDROMREADTOCHDR: Input/output error


$ ls -al /dev/sr0
brw-rw----+ 1 root cdrom 11, 0 Nov 21 22:32 /dev/sr0


为了确保我的驱动器正常工作,我在里面放了一张 DVD。我可以安装它并访问内容,因此 DVD 驱动器没有损坏。我在 CD 播放器上尝试了该 CD,它工作正常,我还尝试了另一张音乐 CD,得到了相同的结果。

最后我认为我的 DVD 驱动器无法读取音乐 CD,所以我检查cd-info

$ cd-info /dev/sr0
cd-info version 0.83 i686-pc-linux-gnu
Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2011 R. Bernstein
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
CD location   : /dev/sr0
CD driver name: GNU/Linux
   access mode: IOCTL

Vendor                      : PLEXTOR 
Model                       : DVDR   PX-716A  
Revision                    : 1.08
Hardware                                  : CD-ROM or DVD
Can eject                                 : Yes
Can close tray                            : Yes
Can disable manual eject                  : Yes
Can select juke-box disc                  : No

Can set drive speed                       : No
Can read multiple sessions (e.g. PhotoCD) : Yes
Can hard reset device                     : Yes

  Can read Mode 2 Form 1                  : Yes
  Can read Mode 2 Form 2                  : Yes
  Can read (S)VCD (i.e. Mode 2 Form 1/2)  : Yes
  Can read C2 Errors                      : Yes
  Can read IRSC                           : Yes
  Can read Media Channel Number (or UPC)  : Yes
  Can play audio                          : Yes
  Can read CD-DA                          : Yes
  Can read CD-R                           : Yes
  Can read CD-RW                          : Yes
  Can read DVD-ROM                        : Yes

  Can write CD-RW                         : Yes
  Can write DVD-R                         : Yes
  Can write DVD-RAM                       : No
  Can write DVD-RW                        : No
  Can write DVD+RW                        : No

Disc mode is listed as: No information
++ WARN: error in ioctl CDROMREADTOCHDR: Input/output error

cd-info: Can't get first track number. I give up.




在尝试使用另一个 DVD 驱动器后,我能够使用abcde.所以我可以回答我自己的问题并确认斯蒂芬的建议,我的第一个驱动器坏了。

