I get the Error:
Error 51: Unable to communicate with the VPN subsystem Please make sure that you have at least one network interface that is currently active and has an IP address and start this application again
I used to get that error before on Mac OS X and the work around was to restart like this:
/System/Library/StartupItems/CiscoVPN/CiscoVPN restart
但这似乎不再起作用了。事实上,StartupItems 文件夹现在似乎是空的。我正在运行 Cisco 的 VPNClient 版本 4.9.01 (0080)。有什么办法可以解决这个问题吗?
如果您之前使用过 Cisco VPN 客户端并且想要使用原生 Snow Leopard 客户端,则需要卸载所有 Cisco 配置、内核扩展等。为此,只需在终端中运行 sudo /usr/local/bin/vpn_uninstall。