将 Outlook 2003 规则导出为文本

将 Outlook 2003 规则导出为文本

我遇到了 Outlook 2003 规则大小限制,所以我想合并/删除我的规则。我希望能够看到所有规则,而不是一次编辑一个。Outlook 规则的导出格式是一些二进制“*.rwz”文件。

有没有办法将 Outlook 规则导出到文本或 Excel 文件?


我怀疑你运气不佳......这是一种经典的 MS 专有格式。

但是,规则向导界面的子集可通过 VBA 支持 - 请参阅http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb206763.aspx了解详情。您可以编写一些脚本来将规则导出为人类可读的,但它可能无法涵盖所有​​规则。



自由的https://rwzreader.codeplex.com/ - 通过突出显示一个或多个规则并拖动以重新排序来组织规则,或使用向上/向下按钮 - 通过突出显示两个或更多规则并单击排序按钮对规则进行排序 - 将组织的 RWZ 文件另存为其他文件或将规则直接保存到 Outlook


图书馆https://github.com/hughbe/OutlookRulesReader包含用于读取和写入 Outlook 规则文件的规范和参考实现库(以 Swift 语言编写)




    Sub ListRules() ' Created: 20200726
        'Modified by www.jfkelley.com
        'I impose no copyright conditions on the parts of this macro that I wrote.  Enjoy.
        'Based on: http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/rules/create-list-rules/
        'This will cull out all the Outlook Rules you have and print them out to a TXT file in your Temp directory.
        'It will also OPEN that TXT file using default editor (e.g., Notepad/Notepad++)
        'The data is tab-delimited so you can copy/paste it right into Excel.
        'It currently only features the 5 conditions of most interest to me,
        'but it should also enumerate any other conditions that are used in case you want to add those columns explicitly.
        Dim colStores As Outlook.Stores
        Dim oFileSys As Object
        Dim oStore As Outlook.Store
        Dim oRoot As Outlook.Folder
        Dim oCondition As Outlook.RuleCondition
        Dim oCondfrom As Outlook.RuleCondition
        Dim oAction As Outlook.RuleAction
        Dim colRules As Object
        Dim oRule As Outlook.Rule
        Dim oInbox As Outlook.Folder
        Dim oMoveTarget As Outlook.Folder
        Dim sOutput As String
        Dim myVar As Variant
        Dim dR As Object
        Set dR = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        dR.Add olConditionAccount, "olConditionAccount"
        dR.Add olConditionAnyCategory, "olConditionAnyCategory"
        dR.Add olConditionBody, "olConditionBody"
        dR.Add olConditionBodyOrSubject, "olConditionBodyOrSubject"
        dR.Add olConditionCategory, "olConditionCategory"
        dR.Add olConditionCc, "olConditionCc"
        dR.Add olConditionDateRange, "olConditionDateRange"
        dR.Add olConditionFlaggedForAction, "olConditionFlaggedForAction"
        dR.Add olConditionFormName, "olConditionFormName"
        dR.Add olConditionFrom, "olConditionFrom"
        dR.Add olConditionFromAnyRssFeed, "olConditionFromAnyRssFeed"
        dR.Add olConditionFromRssFeed, "olConditionFromRssFeed"
        dR.Add olConditionHasAttachment, "olConditionHasAttachment"
        dR.Add olConditionImportance, "olConditionImportance"
        dR.Add olConditionLocalMachineOnly, "olConditionLocalMachineOnly"
        dR.Add olConditionMeetingInviteOrUpdate, "olConditionMeetingInviteOrUpdate"
        dR.Add olConditionMessageHeader, "olConditionMessageHeader"
        dR.Add olConditionNotTo, "olConditionNotTo"
        dR.Add olConditionOnlyToMe, "olConditionOnlyToMe"
        dR.Add olConditionOOF, "olConditionOOF"
        dR.Add olConditionOtherMachine, "olConditionOtherMachine"
        dR.Add olConditionProperty, "olConditionProperty"
        dR.Add olConditionRecipientAddress, "olConditionRecipientAddress"
        dR.Add olConditionSenderAddress, "olConditionSenderAddress"
        dR.Add olConditionSenderInAddressBook, "olConditionSenderInAddressBook"
        dR.Add olConditionSensitivity, "olConditionSensitivity"
        dR.Add olConditionSentTo, "olConditionSentTo"
        dR.Add olConditionSizeRange, "olConditionSizeRange"
        dR.Add olConditionSubject, "olConditionSubject"
        dR.Add olConditionTo, "olConditionTo"
        dR.Add olConditionToOrCc, "olConditionToOrCc"
        dR.Add olConditionUnknown, "olConditionUnknown"
        'On Error Resume Next
        Set oFileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        'Create a folder named Rules on your C drive or change the path to use an existing folder
        Dim fnp As String
        fnp = Environ("temp") & "\OLFilterList.txt"
        If oFileSys.FileExists(fnp) Then
            oFileSys.DeleteFile (fnp)
        End If
        Open fnp For Output As #1
        Set colStores = Application.Session.Stores
        Set oStore = colStores(1)
        Set oRoot = oStore.GetRootFolder
        Set colRules = oStore.GetRules
        Dim stHdr As String, stName As String, stToFolder As String, stFrom As String, stSenderAddress As String, stSentTo As String, stRecipientAddress As String, stOthers As String
        stHdr = "Order" & Chr(9) & "Name" & Chr(9) & "ToFolder" & Chr(9) & "From" & Chr(9) & "SenderAddress" & Chr(9) & "SentTo" & Chr(9) & "RecipientAddress" & Chr(9) & "OtherConditions"
        Print #1, stHdr
        For Each oRule In colRules
            stName = oRule.Name
            stToFolder = "??"
            stFrom = ""
            stSenderAddress = ""
            stSentTo = ""
            stRecipientAddress = ""
            stOthers = ""
            For Each oAction In oRule.Actions
                If oAction.Enabled = True Then
                    If oAction.ActionType = olRuleActionMoveToFolder Then
                        stToFolder = oAction.Folder.FolderPath
                    End If
                    'add more actions here
                End If
            For Each oCondition In oRule.Conditions
                If oCondition.Enabled = True Then
                    If oCondition.ConditionType = olConditionFrom Then
                        stFrom = oRule.Conditions.From.Recipients(1)
                    ElseIf oCondition.ConditionType = olConditionSenderAddress Then
                        For Each myVar In oRule.Conditions.SenderAddress.Address
                            If stSenderAddress <> "" Then stSenderAddress = stSenderAddress & "; "
                            stSenderAddress = stSenderAddress & myVar
                    ElseIf oCondition.ConditionType = olConditionSentTo Then
                        For Each myVar In oRule.Conditions.SentTo.Recipients
                            If stSentTo <> "" Then stSentTo = stSentTo & "; "
                            stSentTo = stSentTo & myVar
                    ElseIf oCondition.ConditionType = olConditionRecipientAddress Then
                        For Each myVar In oRule.Conditions.RecipientAddress.Address
                            If stRecipientAddress <> "" Then stRecipientAddress = stRecipientAddress & "; "
                            stRecipientAddress = stRecipientAddress & myVar
                        If stOthers <> "" Then stOthers = stOthers & "; "
                        stOthers = stOthers & dR(oCondition.ConditionType)
                    End If
                    'add more ElseIf conditions above and follow the pattern for the header (above) and data (below).
                End If
            stOutput = (oRule.ExecutionOrder) & Chr(9) & stName & Chr(9) & stToFolder & Chr(9) & stFrom & Chr(9) & stSenderAddress & Chr(9) & stSentTo & Chr(9) & stRecipientAddress & Chr(9) & stOthers
            Print #1, stOutput
        Close #1
        Dim fso As Object
        Set fso = CreateObject("shell.application")
        sfile = fnp
        fso.Open (sfile)
    End Sub
    Sub EnumerateRelatedRules() ' Created 20200726
        'Source: https://techniclee.wordpress.com/2011/06/18/finding-rules-related-to-a-folder-in-outlook/
        'The author also had some code to make this a context-menu (right-click) item, but I couldn't make it work.
        'So: Just select a folder (or email in a folder) and use Developer tab -> Macros to run it.
        'Works nicely in conjunction with my other spreadsheet report on all the Outlook Rules.
        '  - Posted here: https://superuser.com/questions/92197/export-outlook-2003-rules-to-text/1571875#1571875
        Dim olkRul As Outlook.Rule, olkAct As Outlook.RuleAction, strRules As String
        For Each olkRul In Application.Session.DefaultStore.GetRules()
            For Each olkAct In olkRul.Actions
                If olkAct.ActionType = olRuleActionCopyToFolder Or olkAct.ActionType = olRuleActionMoveToFolder Then
                    If olkAct.Enabled Then
                        If olkAct.Folder = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder Then  'olkCurrentFolder Then
                            strRules = strRules & olkRul.Name & vbCrLf
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
        If strRules = "" Then
            strRules = "None"
        End If
        MsgBox strRules, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Rules Related to this Folder"
        Set olkRul = Nothing
        Set olkAct = Nothing
    End Sub
