MacOS X:如何使用方便的“在 iTerm 中打开此文件夹”快捷方式?

MacOS X:如何使用方便的“在 iTerm 中打开此文件夹”快捷方式?

我认为标题准确地说明了我想要做什么。我想要一个快捷方式,甚至是 Finder 中的一个按钮,它可以启动一个新的 iTerm 选项卡并将位置更改为我在 Finder 中打开的位置。某种程度上open .是相反的。


有一个在这里打开终端您应该能够修改 AppleScript 来调用 iTerm。这MacOSXHints 帖子也应该有帮助。

(我没有使用 Mac,否则我会测试它。)


这个 applescript 对我有用:

-- script was opened by click in toolbar
on run
tell application "Finder"
        set currFolder to (folder of the front window as string)
    on error
        set currFolder to (path to desktop folder as string)
    end try
end tell
CD_to(currFolder, false)
end run

-- script run by draging file/folder to icon
on open (theList)
set newWindow to false
repeat with thePath in theList
    set thePath to thePath as string
    if not (thePath ends with ":") then
        set x to the offset of ":" in (the reverse of every character of thePath) as string
        set thePath to (characters 1 thru -(x) of thePath) as string
    end if
    CD_to(thePath, newWindow)
    set newWindow to true -- create window for any other files/folders
end repeat
end open

-- cd to the desired directory in iterm
on CD_to(theDir, newWindow)
set theDir to quoted form of POSIX path of theDir as string
tell application "iTerm"
    delay 1
    -- talk to the first terminal 
        set myterm to the first terminal
    on error
        set myterm to (make new terminal)
    end try

    tell myterm
            -- launch a default shell in a new tab in the same terminal 
            launch session "Default Session"
        on error
            display dialog "There was an error creating a new tab in iTerm." buttons {"OK"}
        end try
        tell the last session
                -- cd to the finder window
                write text "cd " & theDir
            on error
                display dialog "There was an error cding to the finder window." buttons {"OK"}
            end try
        end tell
    end tell
end tell
end CD_to





我猜是因为 iTerm 的内部结构发生了变化,但是没有一个解决方案对我有用。以下代码起了作用:

tell application "Finder"
    set cur_dir to POSIX path of ((the target of the front Finder window) as string)
end tell
tell application "iTerm"
    tell (create window with default profile)
        write current session text "cd " & quoted form of cur_dir
    end tell
end tell

或者使用 Automator 作为查找服务:

on run {input, parameters}
    tell application "Finder"
        set cur_dir to POSIX path of (input as string)
    end tell
    tell application "iTerm"
        tell (create window with default profile)
            write current session text "cd " & quoted form of cur_dir
        end tell
    end tell
end run
