在 Automator 或 Applescript 中,有没有办法获取文件夹中的数字项目并将结果保存到剪贴板或 Automator 变量,以便我在下一个操作中使用它?
这是一个简单的例子,当文件夹为空时它也有效(返回 0):
第一个 shell 脚本是:
sed -e 's/ //g'
在 AppleScript 中:
local nitems
tell application "Finder" to set nitems to count of items in folder "mress HD:Users:allbery:Desktop"
set the clipboard to (nitems as Unicode text)
Finder 仍然使用 Carbon 风格的路径,如上所示;要转换则需要一些像
local nitems
local fpath
tell application "System Events" to set fpath to path of disk item "/Users/allbery/Desktop"
tell application "Finder" to set nitems to count of items in folder fpath
set the clipboard to (nitems as Unicode text)
仅使用 Applescript:
-- set fold to choose folder
tell app "Finder"
set sel to selection
set fold to item 1 of sel
set n to count fold -- count items of entire contents of fold
end tell
-- set the clipboard to n as text
-- display dialog n