按下 Enter 键时 NetBeans 6.8 会随机崩溃吗?

按下 Enter 键时 NetBeans 6.8 会随机崩溃吗?

在我的 Ubuntu 9.10 上,我运行的是 NetBeans 6.8。现在,当我按下 Enter 键(确认对话框、返回一行等)时,在某些情况下它会崩溃。应用程序会意外退出。以下是我从命令行执行它时得到的结果:

bruce@lee:~$ /usr/local/netbeans-6.8/bin/netbeans
The program '<unknown>' received an X Window System error.
This probably reflects a bug in the program.
The error was 'BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)'.
  (Details: serial 416740 error_code 3 request_code 20 minor_code 0)
  (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
   that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
   To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line
   option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
   backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)



大概找到了解决方案:Netbeans 是在 openJDK 上启动的,而不是 Sun 的 JDK。编辑了 netbeans.conf 文件以匹配 Sun 的 JDK。
