有没有办法使用 AppleScript 创建一个 iCal 闹钟,像手动运行 AppleScript 一样?

有没有办法使用 AppleScript 创建一个 iCal 闹钟,像手动运行 AppleScript 一样?

我在 iCal 的词典中看到的全部是显示、邮件、声音和打开文件警报。



您不必将脚本保存为应用程序,只需将其保存为 AppleScript 文件,它就会照常运行。如果您这样做,它不会窃取焦点。我已经测试过了,它有效。

set theFile to "/Users/me/Desktop/myscript.scpt"
tell application "iCal"
   tell calendar "MyCalendar"
      set theDate to (current date) + 1 * minutes
      set theEvent to make new event at end with properties {summary:"it's a script!", description:"run the script", start date:theDate}
      tell theEvent
         make new open file alarm at end with properties {trigger date:theDate, filepath:theFile}
      end tell
   end tell
end tell
