我可以使用 CMD 在 Windows 中搜索文件吗?

我可以使用 CMD 在 Windows 中搜索文件吗?

我想要一个命令,使用命令行在 Windows 中搜索目录和所有子目录中的文件。我查看了所有可用的命令,但找不到任何合适的命令来执行此操作。



dir /S /P "Path\FileName"


dir /S "Path\FileName" > "Path\ResultFilename"


使用/b开关dir打印完整路径可能会有所帮助。比如说,C:\ > dir /b /s *file*.*



dir原本不是用来搜索文件的,而是用来列出目录的,但现在有了where可以用于搜索多种文件类型的 where /R c:\Users *.dll *.exe *.jpg

请检查完整语法和答案 如何在 cmd 中进行简单的文件搜索

WHERE [/R dir] [/Q] [/F] [/T] pattern...

    Displays the location of files that match the search pattern.
    By default, the search is done along the current directory and
    in the paths specified by the PATH environment variable.

Parameter List:
    /R       Recursively searches and displays the files that match the
             given pattern starting from the specified directory.

    /Q       Returns only the exit code, without displaying the list
             of matched files. (Quiet mode)

    /F       Displays the matched filename in double quotes.

    /T       Displays the file size, last modified date and time for all
             matched files.

    pattern  Specifies the search pattern for the files to match.
             Wildcards * and ? can be used in the pattern. The
             "$env:pattern" and "path:pattern" formats can also be
             specified, where "env" is an environment variable and
             the search is done in the specified paths of the "env"
             environment variable. These formats should not be used
             with /R. The search is also done by appending the
             extensions of the PATHEXT variable to the pattern.

     /?      Displays this help message.

  NOTE: The tool returns an error level of 0 if the search is
        successful, of 1 if the search is unsuccessful and
        of 2 for failures or errors.

    WHERE /?
    WHERE myfilename1 myfile????.*
    WHERE $windir:*.* 
    WHERE /R c:\windows *.exe *.dll *.bat  
    WHERE /Q ??.??? 
    WHERE "c:\windows;c:\windows\system32:*.dll"
    WHERE /F /T *.dll 
