通过 Mutt 和 Gmail 发送邮件:重复

通过 Mutt 和 Gmail 发送邮件:重复

我第一次尝试将 Mutt 与 GMail 结合使用。它似乎运行良好。但是,当我从 Mutt 发送邮件时,它在 GMail 的发送文件夹。(我假设它也被发送了两次 - 我正在尝试验证这一点。)


# A basic .muttrc for use with Gmail
# Change the following six lines to match your Gmail account details
set imap_user = "XX"
set smtp_url = "[email protected]@smtp.gmail.com:587/"
set from = "XX"
set realname = "XX"

# Change the following line to a different editor you prefer.
set editor = "vim"

# Basic config, you can leave this as is
set folder = "imaps://imap.gmail.com:993"
set spoolfile = "+INBOX"
set imap_check_subscribed
set hostname = gmail.com
set mail_check = 120
set timeout = 300
set imap_keepalive = 300
set postponed = "+[Gmail]/Drafts"
set record = "+[Gmail]/Sent Mail"
set header_cache=~/.mutt/cache/headers
set message_cachedir=~/.mutt/cache/bodies
set certificate_file=~/.mutt/certificates
set move = no
set include
set sort = 'threads'
set sort_aux = 'reverse-last-date-received'
set auto_tag = yes
hdr_order Date From To Cc
auto_view text/html
bind editor <Tab> complete-query
bind editor ^T complete
bind editor <space> noop

# Gmail-style keyboard shortcuts
macro index,pager y "<enter-command>unset trash\n <delete-message>" "Gmail archive message"
macro index,pager d "<enter-command>set trash=\"imaps://imap.googlemail.com/[Gmail]/Bin\"\n <delete-message>" "Gmail delete message"
macro index,pager gl "<change-folder>"
macro index,pager gi "<change-folder>=INBOX<enter>" "Go to inbox"
macro index,pager ga "<change-folder>=[Gmail]/All Mail<enter>" "Go to all mail"
macro index,pager gs "<change-folder>=[Gmail]/Starred<enter>" "Go to starred messages"
macro index,pager gd "<change-folder>=[Gmail]/Drafts<enter>" "Go to drafts"
macro index,pager gt "<change-folder>=[Gmail]/Sent Mail<enter>" "Go to sent mail"

#Don't prompt on exit
set quit=yes

## =================
#Color definitions
## =================

set pgp_autosign


要删除重复项,请取消设置$record。Gmail 的 SMTP 服务器会自动存储邮件。


不要保存已发送的消息,Gmail 内置有该功能,但set record = "+[Gmail]/Sent Mail"没有必要(并且会导致您描述的问题)。


Gmail 服务器会自动为您存储所有已发送邮件的副本,因此您不需要 mutt 也存储副本。您需要保留该$record设置,以便通过快捷方式从 mutt 查看已发送文件夹<。您需要做的是设置$copyno禁用 mutt 存储所有已发送邮件:

set record = "+[Gmail]/Sent Mail"
set copy = no




不要在服务器上保存已发送的邮件。如果您的客户端通过 Gmail 的 SMTP 服务器发送邮件,您已发送的邮件将自动复制到 [Gmail]/已发送邮件文件夹。
