确定/解析 Windows 命令提示符中某个命令的文件路径/别名

确定/解析 Windows 命令提示符中某个命令的文件路径/别名

在 Windows 命令提示符中,如何找出某个命令输入将指向哪个文件路径(或别名)?具体来说是 Windows XP,其他版本的信息也值得赞赏!

在 Unix 系统上我只需使用:

$ which commandname


$ type -a commandname
commandname is aliased to `/b/commandname'
commandname is /a/commandname
commandname is /b/commandname

我只是在寻找 Windows Shell(特别是 Win XP)中的等效项。

我从一个特定问题想到了这个一般性问题:我已经安装了 robocopy.exe(版本 026),但是命令行“robocopy”总是触发版本 010,我想确定此命令指向哪里,以便纠正这个错误。


较新的 Windows 发行版有该where命令。阅读这里了解更多信息。对于 Windows XP,您可以使用

   c:\> for %i in (cmd.exe) do @echo.   %~$PATH:i



我发现这个简单的 Windows 批处理文件

@echo off
rem --------------------------------------------------------
rem File: which.cmd
rem Description: Windows equivalent of Unix which command
rem Author: Pankaj Kumar
rem Copyright 2004 Pankaj Kumar. All Rights Reserved.
rem License: This software is available under GPL
rem ---------------------------------------------------------
if "%1" == "" goto noArg

set fullpath=%~$PATH:1
if "%fullpath%" == "" goto notFound
echo Found in PATH: %fullpath%
goto end

echo No Argument specified
goto end

echo Argument "%1" not found in PATH


help for

%~$PATH:I   - searches the directories listed in the PATH  
               environment variable and expands %I to the  
               fully qualified name of the first one found.  
               If the environment variable name is not  
               defined or the file is not found by the  
               search, then this modifier expands to the  
               empty string`
