Mac 上的 Cisco VPNClient 无法使用 iPhone 网络共享进行连接

Mac 上的 Cisco VPNClient 无法使用 iPhone 网络共享进行连接

我刚刚使用 AT&T 的 Datapro 4GB 套餐,将我的 Snow Leopard Macbook Pro 与我的 iPhone 3GS 进行了 iPhone 网络共享。当我尝试使用 Cisco VPNClient 4.9.01 (0100) 从 Macbook Pro 连接到我的公司 VPN 时,我收到以下日志信息:

Cisco Systems VPN Client Version 4.9.01 (0100)
Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Client Type(s): Mac OS X
Running on: Darwin 10.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 10.6.0: Wed Nov 10 18:13:17 PST 2010; root:xnu-1504.9.26~3/RELEASE_I386 i386
Config file directory: /etc/opt/cisco-vpnclient

1      13:02:50.791  02/22/2011  Sev=Info/4 CM/0x43100002
Begin connection process

2      13:02:50.791  02/22/2011  Sev=Warning/2  CVPND/0x83400011
Error -28 sending packet. Dst Addr: 0x0AD337FF, Src Addr: 0x0AD33702 (DRVIFACE:1158).

3      13:02:50.791  02/22/2011  Sev=Warning/2  CVPND/0x83400011
Error -28 sending packet. Dst Addr: 0x0A2581FF, Src Addr: 0x0A258102 (DRVIFACE:1158).

4      13:02:50.792  02/22/2011  Sev=Info/4 CM/0x43100004
Establish secure connection using Ethernet

5      13:02:50.792  02/22/2011  Sev=Info/4 CM/0x43100024
Attempt connection with server ""

6      13:02:50.792  02/22/2011  Sev=Info/4 CVPND/0x43400019
Privilege Separation: binding to port: (500).

7      13:02:50.793  02/22/2011  Sev=Info/4 CVPND/0x43400019
Privilege Separation: binding to port: (4500).

8      13:02:50.793  02/22/2011  Sev=Info/6 IKE/0x4300003B
Attempting to establish a connection with

9      13:02:51.293  02/22/2011  Sev=Warning/2  CVPND/0x83400018
Output size mismatch. Actual: 0, Expected: 237. (DRVIFACE:1319)

10     13:02:51.894  02/22/2011  Sev=Warning/2  CVPND/0x83400018
Output size mismatch. Actual: 0, Expected: 237. (DRVIFACE:1319)

11     13:02:52.495  02/22/2011  Sev=Warning/2  CVPND/0x83400018
Output size mismatch. Actual: 0, Expected: 237. (DRVIFACE:1319)

12     13:02:53.096  02/22/2011  Sev=Warning/2  CVPND/0x83400018
Output size mismatch. Actual: 0, Expected: 237. (DRVIFACE:1319)

13     13:02:53.698  02/22/2011  Sev=Warning/2  CVPND/0x83400018
Output size mismatch. Actual: 0, Expected: 237. (DRVIFACE:1319)

14     13:02:54.299  02/22/2011  Sev=Warning/2  CVPND/0x83400018
Output size mismatch. Actual: 0, Expected: 237. (DRVIFACE:1319)

15     13:02:54.299  02/22/2011  Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x43000075
Unable to acquire local IP address after 5 attempts (over 5 seconds), probably due to network socket failure.

16     13:02:54.299  02/22/2011  Sev=Warning/2  IKE/0xC300009A
Failed to set up connection data

17     13:02:54.299  02/22/2011  Sev=Info/4 CM/0x4310001C
Unable to contact server ""

18     13:02:54.299  02/22/2011  Sev=Info/5 CM/0x43100025
Initializing CVPNDrv

19     13:02:54.300  02/22/2011  Sev=Info/4 CVPND/0x4340001F
Privilege Separation: restoring MTU on primary interface.

20     13:02:54.300  02/22/2011  Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x43000001
IKE received signal to terminate VPN connection

21     13:02:54.300  02/22/2011  Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x43700008
IPSec driver successfully started

22     13:02:54.300  02/22/2011  Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x43700014
Deleted all keys

23     13:02:54.300  02/22/2011  Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x4370000D
Key(s) deleted by Interface (

24     13:02:54.300  02/22/2011  Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x43700014
Deleted all keys

25     13:02:54.300  02/22/2011  Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x43700014
Deleted all keys

26     13:02:54.300  02/22/2011  Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x43700014
Deleted all keys

27     13:02:54.300  02/22/2011  Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x4370000A
IPSec driver successfully stopped

关键的是第 15 行:

15     13:02:54.299  02/22/2011  Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x43000075
Unable to acquire local IP address after 5 attempts (over 5 seconds), probably due to network socket failure.

我在网上找不到任何关于此问题的信息。我在 Google 上找到了一条错误消息,但那是一个瑞典语(或其他北欧语言网站)的网站,没有回答这个问题。

我尝试通过 USB 和蓝牙网络共享连接到 iPhone,它们都返回完全相同的结果。




您是否已与 AT&T 核实,确保您的 DataPro 计划允许 VPN 连接,或者是否有任何端口被阻止?根据您的日志,似乎虽然您可以连接到 VPN 服务器,但有某种东西阻止了握手数据包通过管道传给您。


昨天我升级到了最新的 iOS 版本,其中包括个人热点设置,今天我可以通过我的 Cisco VPNClient 顺利连接。通过我的手机登录到我的远程服务器并回答这个问题。

