Fink 删除所有软件包

Fink 删除所有软件包

我从 Fink 切换到 HomeBrew,我想卸载 Fink 和我安装的所有软件包以避免将来出现问题。

我发现这个 perl 代码片段应该可以删除所有包,但是它却没有: fink list | perl -lne '/^s*is+(S+)/ and print $1' | xargs fink purge



通过使用反引号可以简单地避免 xargs 的 -r 问题:

fink purge `fink list | perl -lne '/^\s*i\s+(\S+)/ and print $1'`


我不熟悉 fink,但我假设它fink list为每个软件包都输出一行,并且对于已安装的软件包,它们的格式为:i packagename。问题是你使用了sand S(文字字符)而不是\sand \S:分别是空格和非空格。


fink list | perl -lne '/^\s*i\s+(\S+)/ and print $1' | xargs -r fink purge

我还在 xargs 中添加了,-r这样fink purge如果没有任何匹配的行(已安装的包),它就不会运行。


来自fink 常见问题解答

Q5.6: How can I uninstall all of Fink?

A: Almost all files installed by Fink are in /sw (or wherever
you chose to install it), except for a few exceptions.
Thus, in order to get rid of Fink, enter this command:

    fink remove --recursive daemonic xinitrc
    sudo rm -rf /sw

If you aren't planning to reinstall Fink you also will
want to remove the "source /sw/bin/init.csh" line you
added to your .cshrc file or the "source /sw/bin/"
line you added to your .bashrc file, whichever is appropriate
to your setup, using a text editor. If you had the xinitrc
package installed, then you will want to restore the original
/usr/X11/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc, which has been backed up as
/usr/X11/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc.YYYYMMDDhhmm, i.e. the
extension has a year, month, date, hour, and minute). If you
have more than one of these, the original one normally does
not mention sys-xinitrc-fink. Once you've found the right one,
you can use

sudo mv /usr/X11/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc.YYYYMMDDhhmm  \
replacing YYMMDDhhmm with the actual extension on your system.
