我的下载速度为 768 Kbps,各种速度测试网站都说我实际的速度约为 400 Kbps,这已经足够了。Windows Wifi 质量指示器也显示“非常好”。
路由器是SpeedStream 4100。连接都是无线的。
Faulty router.
Interference from another Wireless router.
Too much noise on the telephone line (from within your house)
Problem with the telephone line (outside you).
Problem with your internet provider.
Bandwidth being used up.
Problems caused by virus.
Switch off the router for a while (Maybe even overnight).
If possible, try connecting via a cable rather than wirelessly.
Ask your ISP to investigate your line quality.
Temporarily disconnect all other equipment from your telephone line.
Connect your modem to the master telephone socket.
Move your router away from another other electrical cables/equipment
Scan for virus/spyware
Your wireless router should have an option to change channels which
can help avoid interference from other people's equipment.
Try a different browser.
If you have access to a good internet connection, download and burn a
Linux LiveCD which you can boot off.
Try another router.
Check your wireless security to make sure no-one is hijacking your line.
这可能是 QoS(服务质量)问题:路由器或提供商决定应为长请求赋予较低优先级。如果您调整了路由器设置,请检查是否没有弄乱任何东西。如果此方法无效,我建议您联系提供商。