pam_mount 错误“crypt_activate_by_passphrase:操作不允许”

pam_mount 错误“crypt_activate_by_passphrase:操作不允许”

我正在尝试在 OpenSuSE 上设置加密主目录。


Sep 20 16:03:16 linux-bd9o sshd[11921]: Accepted keyboard-interactive/pam for test from ::1 port 37227 ssh2
Sep 20 16:03:16 linux-bd9o sshd[11921]: pam_mount(pam_mount.c:172): conv->conv(...): Conversation error
Sep 20 16:03:16 linux-bd9o sshd[11921]: pam_mount(pam_mount.c:476): warning: could not obtain password interactively either
Sep 20 16:03:16 linux-bd9o sshd[11921]: pam_mount(mount.c:65): Messages from underlying mount program:
Sep 20 16:03:16 linux-bd9o sshd[11921]: pam_mount(mount.c:69): NOTE: mount.crypt does not support utab (systems with no mtab or read-only mtab) yet. This means that you will temporarily need to call umount.crypt(8) rather than umount(8) to get crypto volumes unmounted.
Sep 20 16:03:16 linux-bd9o sshd[11921]: pam_mount(mount.c:69): /usr/sbin/mount.crypt: dmcrypt cipher ignored for LUKS volumes
Sep 20 16:03:17 linux-bd9o sshd[11921]: pam_mount(mount.c:69): crypt_activate_by_passphrase: Operation not permitted
Sep 20 16:03:17 linux-bd9o sshd[11921]: pam_mount(pam_mount.c:521): mount of /home/test.img failed

crypt_activate_by_passphrase: Operation not permitted我尝试运行

cd /home
mount test.img test

为了澄清起见,我想先修复错误,因为我至少可以按照给出的 SSH 配方进行操作这个姐妹的问题,如果不修改的话/etc/pam.d/sshd。无法通过命令行挂载很烦人。

密钥在 CBC 中。我使用以下方法重新编码它:这些说明,但行为是一样的——本地登录有效,SSH 或命令行mount失败。(奇怪的是,八进制转储确实发生了变化,也许存在随机信息以防止密钥中的表查找。)
