How to unplug a network cable that's stuck?

How to unplug a network cable that's stuck?

I have plugged a network cable into my PC to temporarily adjust some settings on my router. Now I can't unplug it. The cable is physically stuck in the RJ45 port. I've tried squeezing every part of it but it won't come out.

Any suggestions for how I might remove it?


Glad it's sorted. For the future this often works and doesn't need a lot of brute force:

If the plastic clip has 'stuck' or lost its springiness so it cannot be squeezed:

  1. Gently slide off any cover over the connector

  2. PUSH the connector IN a little bit

  3. Slide a piece of plastic between the clip of the plug and the body of the socket while pulling gently on the plug to remove it. I use the end of a small tie-wrap (plastic cable tie) as they are very thin, but a 'pointy' pen top can work too. You can use a small jewellers' screwdriver but I prefer something soft. You should try and press the plastic/screwdriver in as far as possible (but gently) as you simultaneously pull on the connector..

pulling out yer cablez



I was finally able to remove the cable by twisting it vertically while applying a great deal of force. This made me a little nervous due to the amount of pressure I was applying - but it worked.

I'll probably be a bit more careful putting the cable in next time.


Unplug the router end of the patch cable first.

The RJ45 system relies on a spring tab holding the plug in which is released by compressing the plastic tab sticking out parallel to the cable. This may well be partially covered by a shroud.

Option two. Can you get at the RJ45 socket from the other (in)side? If it's a network card, remove it from the motherboard connecting strip & deal with it accordingly. If, as I suspect, it's actually of the motherboard or you have a laptop/small form factor then this can be a challenge. I've only had to do this once when my cat managed to chew through the CAT5 cable (I know ~ bad pun) too close for me to get a grip on the cable.

Do not be tempted to pull the end of the network cable — you may well be left with the RJ45 plug buried in the socket.


I had this problem and put a tiny flat head screwdriver on top of the plastic squeeze tab, up into the jack a little and pressed down then up against the back of the computer and pried out the cable. In effect you are squeezing further up into the jack and prying out. It came out easily.
