Can I store a Windows NTFS system image to a non-NTFS drive?

Can I store a Windows NTFS system image to a non-NTFS drive?

My external drive is FAT32 formatted so I can access its files from any operating system. Windows 7's built-in system image feature doesn't allow backing up to this drive. Are there programs that can do this? I didn't see anything on the websites for Ghost or True Image.

Edit: If FAT32's file size limit is the problem, can I still store the image to another format like HFS+ or ext3?


Linux has amazingly good NTFS support now. Why not just use NTFS. Which other operating systems are you interested in accessing the image from? Mac OS X can also take advantage of the FUSE NTFS 3G driver for accessing NTFS. As much as I dislike having to use a proprietary storage format, because MS refuses to support stuff like ext3, NTFS is really quite stable and accessible from almost all modern operating systems, and I use it on all my removable media.


The issue with FAT32 and windows system images is that FAT32 has a 4Gb per file size limitation.

FAT32 would suffice if your backup solution can split the image up into multiple 4Gb files, but then you can't use the file in its current state. I believe a Windows System Image from wbadmin is a VHD that can be mounted or files extracted from, etc. This would not be possible if the file is split into multiple parts.


You should be able to use TrueCrypt to create an NTFS encrypted disk within a file on your FAT32 file system, subject to size limitations on the container file.


XCopy/RoboCopy? Do you actually need an image of the data, or can you just recursively copy things from it?
