我正在尝试运行一个例子MOBS——移动机器人模拟器,我正在尝试安装要求并运行示例,但我对 Linux 还不熟悉,所以不明白如何执行以下步骤:
1. XView
For the User-Interface.
At least the includes and the xview- and olgx-library!
2. DevGuide
The Interface-builder. For recompilation, the includes and
the guide- and guidexv-libraries must be available.
(set the GUIDEHOME-variable to the devguide-directory)
3. PVM-library
For communications between differenc processen.
4. OpenInventor (from SGI)
This is needed for the camera-view-generation.
Now set the Env-variable MOBS_HOME and add $MOBS_HOME/bin.$(HOSTTYPE)
and $MOBS_HOME/cmd to your path-variable.
Example commands to add to your '.cshrc'-startup-script if you have
unpack the packages in your home-directory.
# .cshrc-addition
if (-d ~/mobs) then
setenv MOBS_HOME ~/mobs
set path = ( $path $MOBS_HOME/bin.$HOSTTYPE )
NOTE: The ivd_server use the MOBS_HOME-variable for referencing the
files in the $MOBS_HOME/iv-directory.
Now add at least the bin-directory in which the ivd_server-program is
located to your .pvm-hosts-file.
Example '.pvm-hosts'-file if you have a SGI namend 'munch' and a SUN4 named
# first entry: hostname
# second entry: place of executables
# second entry: place of executables
# pvm-examples
salvador ep=/home/stolz/mobs/bin.sun4
munch ep=/home/stolz/mobs/bin.iris4d
## or more elegant:
我正在尝试,但 Linux 与 Windows 安装程序有很大不同。有人能帮帮我吗?
该软件太老了。XView 已经很久没用了,让它在现代 Linux 系统上运行相当困难。PVM 和 OpenInventor 是可行的,但您可能必须修改程序的源代码或找到这些库的旧版本才能使其运行。
我强烈建议你看看更现代的机器人软件包含在 Fedora 中,其中一些具有与您提到的软件类似的功能。