是否可以在标准 Word 97-2003 文档文件中重命名多个书签?我刚刚在 Word 2010 中完成了一份 400 页的文档,其中有数百个必须重命名的书签,我绝对不想手动重命名它们。我发现这Word 插件用于增强内置的 Word 书签对话框,但似乎无法将其正确加载到我的文档中,如果我可以让它工作,它将解决我的问题。在此之前,还有其他直接的方法可以实现这一点吗?也许可以使用宏来实现。现在,我想看看 OpenOffice 是否支持批量重命名 docx 文件中的书签。非常感谢您的帮助。
您可以使用 Word 中的 VBA 宏来执行此操作。下面的宏取自这里(并在网页上进行了更详细的讨论),将在每个现有书签名称前面添加“NEW_”,但可以按照所需的任何约定来重命名书签。
Sub RenameBookmarks()
' although it does NOT rename them
' it creates a new one for the same range
' then deletes the old one
Dim BM_Names()
Dim i As Long
With ActiveDocument
For i = 1 To .Bookmarks.Count
ReDim Preserve BM_Names(i)
BM_Names(i) = .Bookmarks(i).Name
For i = 1 To .Bookmarks.Count
With .Bookmarks(BM_Names(i))
.Range.Bookmarks.Add Name:="NEW_" & .Name, Range:=.Range
End With
End With
End Sub
joeschwa 的回答很好,但我想稍微扩展一下,是有充分理由的。 因为看起来您无法直接编辑书签名称,所以您必须像 joeschwa 那样,添加新名称,然后删除原始书签。 问题是,这会产生不良的副作用:文档中对原始书签的所有现有引用都将被破坏!
为了解决这个问题,必须将引用重定向到新的书签名称。下面的代码处理了这个问题。它做了 3 件事:
- 它首先根据需要创建新的书签名称,然后删除旧书签名称 - 方式类似于 joeschwa 的代码。
' By Yiftach, 2018-4-9
' There's no option in word to rename bookmarks, so this: _
1. creates a new one for the same range, then deletes the old one, and _
2. Fixes all existing cross-references in the doc, so that any references to old bookmarks are _
re-routed to the respective new bookmarks which replaced them
' This is especially useful for BULK/BATCH renaming. This assumes there's a pattern in bookmark names. _
I.e. that a certain substring in a group of bookmarks is replaced by another substring. _
e.g. if all bookmarks in chapter 1 start with "C1_", and I'm switching chapter order and want to _
rename them "C2_". (But of course it can be used to replace a single bookmark as well).
'NOTE: Currently the old and new texts are hard coded as CONSTs at the top of the code. Adapt as needed.
'*****************EXTREME WARNING: Bookmark names must not contain the string "REF" ***********************
'* (in whatever case)!!! because of how i fix references to renamed bookmarks.
Const old_txt_in_bookmark_names As String = "C1_" 'change as needed
Const new_txt_in_bookmark_names As String = "C2_" 'change as needed
'PART 1: RENAME BOOKMARKS (creates new bookmarks and deletes old)
Dim bm As Bookmark
For Each bm In ActiveDocument.Bookmarks 'activedocument.bookmarks can be replaced with selection.bookmarks as needed
If InStr(1, bm.Name, old_txt_in_bookmark_names, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then 'if you want to replace ALL bookmark names in the doc/selection _
regardless of their prefix, remove the if statement and just _
leave the next line
bm.Range.Bookmarks.Add Name:=Replace(bm.Name, old_txt_in_bookmark_names, new_txt_in_bookmark_names), Range:=bm.Range
End If
Next bm
'PART 2: edit referenecs to the bookmarks that were renamed
' 2.1 In the main body of the doc (this doesn't treat headers and footers) _
' ( even if in PART1 I choose to only rename bookmarks in the selection rather than in the entire doc _
I still want to ensure that all cross-references in the doc are pointing to the renamed bookmarks correctly!)
Dim doc As Word.Document
Set doc = ActiveDocument
If doc.Fields.count >= 1 Then
For i = 1 To doc.Fields.count
fieldStr = doc.Fields(i).Code.Text
If Left(fieldStr, 4) = " REF" Then
doc.Fields(i).Code.Text = Replace(fieldStr, old_txt_in_bookmark_names, new_txt_in_bookmark_names, , 1, vbTextCompare)
End If
Next i
End If
' 2.2 In the doc headers and footers, in all doc sections
For s = 1 To ActiveDocument.Sections.count
For HFT = 1 To 3 'HFT stands for Header-Footer type, according to the WdHeaderFooterIndex Enumeration
' Name Value Description
' wdHeaderFooterEvenPages 3 Returns all headers or footers on even-numbered pages.
' wdHeaderFooterFirstPage 2 Returns the first header or footer in a document or section.
' wdHeaderFooterPrimary 1 Returns the header or footer on all pages other than the first page of a document or section.
' 2.2.1 Treating references in HEADERS
If doc.Sections(s).Headers(HFT).Range.Fields.count >= 1 Then
For i = 1 To doc.Sections(s).Headers(HFT).Range.Fields.count
fieldStr = doc.Sections(s).Headers(HFT).Range.Fields(i).Code.Text
If Left(fieldStr, 4) = " REF" Then
doc.Sections(s).Headers(HFT).Range.Fields(i).Code.Text = Replace(fieldStr, old_txt_in_bookmark_names, new_txt_in_bookmark_names, , 1, vbTextCompare)
End If
Next i
End If
' 2.2.2 Treating references in FOOTERS
If doc.Sections(s).Footers(HFT).Range.Fields.count >= 1 Then
For i = 1 To doc.Sections(s).Footers(HFT).Range.Fields.count
fieldStr = doc.Sections(s).Footers(HFT).Range.Fields(i).Code.Text
If Left(fieldStr, 4) = " REF" Then
doc.Sections(s).Footers(HFT).Range.Fields(i).Code.Text = Replace(fieldStr, old_txt_in_bookmark_names, new_txt_in_bookmark_names, , 1, vbTextCompare)
End If
Next i
End If
Next HFT
Next s
End Sub