我是 ZSH 的长期用户。在我看来,我很久以前就有这个功能,但后来我重写了我的 .zshrc (很久以前),现在我时不时地想念这个功能。 (当然,时间太久了,记忆可能有问题。)
我想要的是,当我自动完成(例如按选项卡等)时,如果我从 1 级(即“..”)或更高级别开始,我不需要来自当前目录的建议。
/usr/share$ cd ../<tab>
/usr/share$ cd ../share/
问题是针对 ZSH 的,但我很想知道是否也可以在 Bash 中完成。
zstyle ':completion:*:(cd|mv|cp):*' ignore-parents parent pwd
另请参阅info zsh ignore-parents
详细信息。以下为 zsh 5.4.2 转载:
The style is tested without a tag by the function completing pathnames in order to determine whether to ignore the names of directories already mentioned in the current word, or the name of the current working directory. The value must include one or both of the following strings: parent The name of any directory whose path is already contained in the word on the line is ignored. For example, when completing after foo/../, the directory foo will not be considered a valid completion. pwd The name of the current working directory will not be completed; hence, for example, completion after ../ will not use the name of the current directory. In addition, the value may include one or both of: .. Ignore the specified directories only when the word on the line contains the substring '../'. directory Ignore the specified directories only when names of directories are completed, not when completing names of files. Excluded values act in a similar fashion to values of the ignored-patterns style, so they can be restored to consideration by the _ignored completer.