Jungledisk 和 xLetterCaseConflict

Jungledisk 和 xLetterCaseConflict

我一直在使用Jungledisk 桌面版多年来,我一直成功地在多台 Ubuntu 和 Windows 机器之间同步,但当我开始在 Macbook(OS X 10.6.8,不区分大小写的驱动器)上使用它时,我得到了一个很多xLetterCaseConflict 错误。


Sync: Skipping remote file "/sync/some.doc"
Warning Details (Jungle Disk Desktop 3.16 Mac Intel)
xLetterCaseConflict - A remote filename differs from a local file only by letter case, and you are syncing to a case-insensitive drive.
Exception Code: xLetterCaseConflict (153)
Time: 2/24/12 1:57:24 AM (GMT+1)
Detailed Message: A remote filename differs from a local file only by letter case, and you are syncing to a case-insensitive drive.
Error Location: SyncJob.cpp:657


这个解决方案在这里有效吗:http://cloudmyserver.com/index.php/2011/receiving-the-xlettercaseconflict-error/?(不是 Jungledisk 网站,但似乎是相同的服务)
