如何在现有的 MS Word 2010 docx 上强加模板?

如何在现有的 MS Word 2010 docx 上强加模板?

我有一个 MS Word 2010 docx 文件,其中编号搞乱了。2 级每次都从 0 开始重新编号,等等






  1. 备份您的文档!
  2. 通过“全选”并选择“无样式”样式按钮来删除样式。
  3. 应用如下所述的列表样式:

Word 的段落编号有时会变得混乱。就在您认为已经整理好的时候,编号却开始出现奇怪的现象。我们用来组织和协调段落编号的机制是列表样式。列表样式负责协调。它并不负责格式化文本的实际工作。我们将这项工作留给段落样式。


a List Style as the co-ordinating mechanism for the numbering, and
a paragraph style for each heading level (Word allows, actually requires, 9 levels).

列表样式实际上有两个作用。列表样式会创建一组或一组样式。Word 带有内置段落样式,名为标题 1、标题 2、标题 3。但它们之间没有任何联系。它们只是恰好共享相似的名称。列表样式会将这些段落样式“分组”为某种顺序。只有列表样式知道标题 1 后面是标题 2,标题 2 后面是标题 3。任何列表样式都有 9 个级别。列表样式存储有关如何对每个级别进行编号的信息。其中包括数字的格式(“1”或“a”或“i”)、数字前面是否有文本(例如“第 1 章”或“A 部分”)、数字是否包含前几级的数字(例如第 1.4.3 段)以及缩进(从边距到数字以及从数字到文本的距离)。



修改标题 1 样式,使其基于“无样式”。修改标题 2,使其基于标题 1。修改标题 3,使其基于标题 2。依此类推。并非每个人都这样做,但我发现它很有用,因为 Word 样式的格式是层叠的。

现在,修改每个标题样式的段落设置,使左缩进为 0,特殊缩进设置为 (无)。即使您希望标题从左边距缩进,即使您想要悬挂缩进,也要这样做。为什么?因为对于大纲编号样式,我们将在设置编号时设置段落缩进和悬挂缩进(如果有)。

要创建列表样式,请在“主页”选项卡的“段落”组中单击“多级列表”菜单。从菜单中,选择“定义新列表样式”在“定义新列表样式”对话框中(图 3),仅执行以下两项操作:

Give your list style a name.
Hint: Give it a plural name. That makes it clear that this is a list style that's controlling more than one paragraph style. And, give it a name directly related to the paragraph styles you're going to use. We're going to use paragraph styles Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3 etc. So I suggest that you name the list style as Headings.
On the Format menu, click Numbering.

我们现在进入“修改多级列表”对话框(图 5)。列表样式是我们将使用的整个“一组”段落样式的协调机制。因此,我们在此对话框中设置所有级别的编号。


In the Modify multilevel list dialog, click the More button.
Attach the Heading paragraph styles to the 9 levels in the list style. To do that:
    In the 'Click level to modify' list, select level 1. In the 'Link level to style' box, choose Heading 1. That attaches paragraph style Heading 1 to level 1 of the list style.

    In the 'Click level to modify' list, select level 2 and attach style Heading 2. And attach Heading 3 to level 3, Heading 4 to level 4 and so on.
Now we tell Word about the numbering itself for Level 1
    In the 'Click level to modify' list, click level 1.
    Delete anything in the 'Enter formatting for number" box.
    If you want the numbering to start with some text (eg to number a paragraph as "Chapter 1" or "Section 1") then enter the text including any space in the 'Enter formatting for number' box. Leave the insertion point after your text.
    From the Number style for this level list, choose the kind of numbering you want.
Set up numbering for levels 2 to 9.
    In the 'Click level to modify' list, choose Level 2.
    Delete anything in the 'Enter formatting for number" box.
    If you want to include a previous level's numbering, then use the 'Include level number from' box. If you want punctuation after each level, add it into the 'Enter formatting for number' box as you go.

    For example, for Level 2, I might want the numbering to be "1.1". That is, I want the Level 1 number and the Level 2 number. So, from the 'Include level number from' box, I choose 'Level 1'. Then I type a full stop (full point, period, whatever). Then I choose from the 'Number style for this level' box.

    You have to do each previous level separately. By the time you come to do Level 9, if you want paragraphs numbered, you need to add Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 etc, all the way to Level 8. This can get tedious, but hang in there!
    From the Number style for this level list, choose the kind of numbering you want for the current level.
    Repeat for each of levels 3 to 9. If you don't want numbering for a level, leave the 'Enter formatting for number' box empty.
