我无法使用从 Newegg.com 订购的新 USB NIC 连接到家庭网络。我安装了制造商网站上的最新驱动程序,并多次尝试通过 Windows 诊断问题,但无济于事。我最接近连接到网络的时间只有几秒钟,然后它完全断开连接并告诉我从空列表中选择一个网络。
我已禁用本地连接(有线),因为我了解到 Windows 7(64 位)在多个 NIC 设备连接到同一网络时会很棘手。我还检查了设备管理器,以确保该设备正常运行,并且 Windows 将其识别为无线设备。我希望您能进一步了解我遇到的问题。
WLAN Extensibility Module has failed to start.
Module Path: C:\Windows\system32\athExt.dll
Error Code: 126
Details about wireless connectivity diagnosis:
Information for connection being diagnosed
Interface GUID: 6614196a-1e18-4b76-afcb-b717adc7ec78
Interface name: TP-LINK 150Mbps Wireless Lite N Adapter
Interface type: Native WiFi
Connection incident diagnosed
Auto Configuration ID: 2
List of visible access point(s): 0 item(s) total, 0 item(s) displayed
Connection History
Information for Auto Configuration ID 2
List of visible networks: 2 item(s) total, 2 item(s) displayed
BSS Type PHY Security Signal(RSSI) Compatible SSID
Infra <unknown> Yes 36 Yes OnyxTiger
Infra g Yes 32 Yes J8IA7
List of preferred networks: 1 item(s)
Profile: Homesystem
SSID: Homesystem
SSID length: 10
Connection mode: Infra
Security: Yes
Set by group policy: No
Connect even if network is not broadcasting: No
Connectable: No
Reason: 0x00028002
Information for Connection ID 2
Connection started at: 2012-03-23 20:10:13-378
Auto Configuration ID: 2
Profile: Homesystem
SSID: Homesystem
SSID length: 10
Connection mode: Infra
Security: Yes
Pre-Association and Association
Connectivity settings provided by hardware manufacturer (IHV): No
Security settings provided by hardware manufacturer (IHV): No
Profile matches network requirements: Success
Pre-association status: Success
Association status: Fail 0x00000000
Association reason code: 0x00000000
Information for Auto Configuration ID 1
List of visible networks: 5 item(s) total, 5 item(s) displayed
BSS Type PHY Security Signal(RSSI) Compatible SSID
Infra <unknown> Yes 76 Yes Homesystem
Infra g Yes 24 Yes Merrick
Infra <unknown> Yes 36 Yes OnyxTiger
Infra <unknown> No 38 Yes OnyxTiger-guest
Infra g Yes 32 Yes J8IA7
List of preferred networks: 1 item(s)
Profile: Homesystem
SSID: Homesystem
SSID length: 10
Connection mode: Infra
Security: Yes
Set by group policy: No
Connect even if network is not broadcasting: No
Connectable: Yes
Information for Connection ID 1
Connection started at: 2012-03-23 20:08:46-262
Auto Configuration ID: 1
Profile: Homesystem
SSID: Homesystem
SSID length: 10
Connection mode: Infra
Security: Yes
Pre-Association and Association
Connectivity settings provided by hardware manufacturer (IHV): No
Security settings provided by hardware manufacturer (IHV): No
Profile matches network requirements: Success
Pre-association status: Success
Association status: Success
Last AP: e0-91-f5-6c-67-f8
Security and Authentication
Configured security type: WPA2-PSK
Configured encryption type: CCMP(AES)
802.1X protocol: No
Key exchange initiated: Yes
Unicast key received: Yes
Multicast key received: Yes
Number of security packets received: 0
Number of security packets sent: 0
Security attempt status: Success
Packet statistics
Ndis Rx: 2
Ndis Tx: 51
Unicast decrypt success: 94
Multicast decrypt success: 0
Unicast decrypt failure: 0
Multicast decrypt failure: 0
Rx success: 302
Rx failure: 0
Tx success: 395
Tx failure: 0
Tx retry: 0
Tx multiple retry: 0
Tx max lifetime exceeded: 0
Tx ACK failure: 0
Roaming history: 1 item(s)
Times: 2012-03-23 20:09:48-824
Roamed from BSSID: e0-91-f5-6c-67-f8
Reason: 0x00000002
Disconnected from BSSID: 00-00-00-00-00-00 Reason: 0x00000205
我也遇到过同样的问题。TP=Link 的技术支持不是很有帮助,而且他们似乎对最新驱动程序中的问题不太了解。
我发现使用从网站下载的最新驱动程序安装 TP-Link WN722N 是一个很大的错误。
该产品现在在我的 Windows 7 64 位家庭高级版系统上运行良好。我将此发现通知了 TP-Link,他们说他们正在将信息传递给 TP Link 的合适人员。我仍然收到与C:\Windows\system32\athExt.dll
我的电脑上缺失的错误代码 126 相关的错误代码。