MS powershell 中是否有与 rsync 等效的功能?

MS powershell 中是否有与 rsync 等效的功能?

Rsync 非常有用,我不必复制目录中的所有文件。它只更新较新的文件。

我将它与 cygwin 一起使用,但我认为存在一些不一致之处,这不是这个问题的重点。



虽然不是完全等同的,也不是 Powershell 的功能,机器人复制可以完成 rsync 所用的一些功能。



这可以同步目录。调用函数“rsync”。我在使用 robocopy 时遇到了权限问题。这个没有这些问题。

function rsync ($source,$target) {

  $sourceFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $source -Recurse
  $targetFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $target -Recurse

  if ($debug -eq $true) {
    Write-Output "Source=$source, Target=$target"
    Write-Output "sourcefiles = $sourceFiles TargetFiles = $targetFiles"
  1=way sync, 2=2 way sync.
  $syncMode = 1

  if ($sourceFiles -eq $null -or $targetFiles -eq $null) {
    Write-Host "Empty Directory encountered. Skipping file Copy."
  } else
    $diff = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $sourceFiles -DifferenceObject $targetFiles

    foreach ($f in $diff) {
      if ($f.SideIndicator -eq "<=") {
        $fullSourceObject = $f.InputObject.FullName
        $fullTargetObject = $f.InputObject.FullName.Replace($source,$target)

        Write-Host "Attempt to copy the following: " $fullSourceObject
        Copy-Item -Path $fullSourceObject -Destination $fullTargetObject

      if ($f.SideIndicator -eq "=>" -and $syncMode -eq 2) {
        $fullSourceObject = $f.InputObject.FullName
        $fullTargetObject = $f.InputObject.FullName.Replace($target,$source)

        Write-Host "Attempt to copy the following: " $fullSourceObject
        Copy-Item -Path $fullSourceObject -Destination $fullTargetObject



感谢您的脚本 rsync。我正在更新第三个选项,即清除不在源目录中的文件。

function rsync  {
param ( $source,

Write-Output "PATH PWD:   $WorkDir"
Write-Host "SOURCE: $source"
Write-Host "TARGET: $target"

$sourceFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $source -Recurse
$targetFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $target -Recurse

Write-Host "SOURCEFILES $sourceFiles"
Write-Host "TARGETFILES: $targetFiles"

if ($debug -eq $true) {
  Write-Output "Source=$source, Target=$target"
  Write-Output "sourcefiles = $sourceFiles TargetFiles = $targetFiles"
1=1 way sync, 2=2 way sync, 3=1 way purging target files not equal with source files
$syncMode = 3

#if ($sourceFiles -eq $null -or $targetFiles -eq $null) {
    if ($targetFiles -eq $null)

if ($sourceFiles -eq $null){
  Write-Host "Empty Directory encountered. Skipping file Copy."
} else
  $diff_command="Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $sourceFiles -DifferenceObject $targetFiles"
  Write-Host "diff command: $diff_command"

  $diff = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $sourceFiles -DifferenceObject $targetFiles
  Write-Host "---> Different Files from SOURCE to TARGET: $diff"

  #$diff_target = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $targetFiles  -DifferenceObject  $sourceFiles
  #Write-Host "---> Different Files from TARGET to SOURCE: $diff_target"

  foreach ($f in $diff) {
    Write-Host "--> Indicator: $f.SideIndicator "
    if ($f.SideIndicator -eq "<=") {
      $fullSourceObject = $f.InputObject.FullName
      $fullTargetObject = $f.InputObject.FullName.Replace($source,$target)

      Write-Host "Attempt to copy the following <= SourceTarget: " $fullSourceObject
      Copy-Item -Path $fullSourceObject -Destination $fullTargetObject

    if ($f.SideIndicator -eq "=>" -and $syncMode -eq 2) {
      $fullSourceObject = $f.InputObject.FullName
      $fullTargetObject = $f.InputObject.FullName.Replace($target,$source)

      Write-Host "Attempt to copy the following => TargetSource: " $fullSourceObject
      Copy-Item -Path $fullSourceObject -Destination $fullTargetObject

    if ($f.SideIndicator -eq "=>" -and $syncMode -eq 3 -and $targetFiles -ne "") {
        $fullSourceObject = $f.InputObject.FullName
        $fullTargetObject = $f.InputObject.FullName.Replace($target,$source)

        Write-Host "Removing files from Target that are not present in Source=> TargetSource: " $fullSourceObject
        Write-Host "FIles that are not in source: $fullSourceObject"
        Remove-Item  $fullSourceObject 



##调用函数 rsync $SourcePathFull_Month_Day $DestinationPathFull_Month_Day
