Windows 7 x64 中的“Windows 检测到硬盘”问题

Windows 7 x64 中的“Windows 检测到硬盘”问题

我从 60 OCZ Vertex2 SSD 升级到 OCZ-Agility3 120GB。我将驱动器从 Vertex 克隆到新的 Agility。一切似乎都很顺利,没有出现任何问题。



我下载了 OCZToolboxMP 并运行了 SMART 实用程序,没有发现任何错误:


ModelNumber : OCZ-AGILITY3        
Serial Number   : OCZ-Y1945X77438P4NU6
WWN     : 5-e8-3a-97 ebea5ba76

Revision: 10
Attributes List
  1: SSD Raw Read Error Rate                Normalized Rate:  70 total ECC and RAISE errors
  5: SSD Retired Block Count                Reserve blocks remaining: 100%
  9: SSD Power-On Hours                     Total hours power on: 968
 12: SSD Power Cycle Count                  Count of power on/off cycles: 28
171: SSD Program Fail Count                 Total number of Flash program operation failures: 0
172: SSD Erase Fail Count                   Total number of Flash erase operation failures: 0
174: SSD Unexpected power loss count        Total number of unexpected power loss: 11
177: SSD Wear Range Delta                   Delta between most-worn and least-worn Flash blocks: 0
181: SSD Program Fail Count                 Total number of Flash program operation failures: 0
182: SSD Erase Fail Count                   Total number of Flash erase operation failures: 0
187: SSD Reported Uncorrectable Errors      Uncorrectable RAISE errors reported to the host for all data access: 4145
194: SSD Temperature Monitoring             Current: 30  High: 30 Low: 30
195: SSD ECC On-the-fly Count               Normalized Rate: 120 
196: SSD Reallocation Event Count           Total number of reallocated Flash blocks: 100
201: SSD Uncorrectable Soft Read Error Rate Normalized Rate: 120
204: SSD Soft ECC Correction Rate (RAISE)   Normalized Rate: 120
230: SSD Life Curve Status                  Current state of drive operation based upon the Life Curve: 100
231: SSD Life Left                          Approximate SDD life Remaining: 100%
241: SSD Lifetime writes from host          lifetime writes 893 GB
242: SSD Lifetime reads from host           lifetime reads 968 GB


Windows 7 x64 SP1 AMD Phenom II X4 940 8GB RAM


对于所有数据访问,向主机报告的无法纠正的 RAISE 错误:4145

需要为 0。您的 SSD 有问题。


DR 表示“可移动驱动器”,2 是 Windows 分配的 USB 主控制器 ID。因此,问题不在于您的系统驱动器,而在于您通过 USB 连接的可移动驱动器。

每个 USB 端口在使用时都会被分配一个不同的编号,因此很难分辨出哪个是哪个。
