当我在 Ubuntu 12.04 的开始菜单中时,我无法以自己的帐户启动,也没有看到任何错误消息。
Ctrl我可以使用+ Alt+进入终端F1。
我有一台戴尔 Inspiron N7010,英特尔(R)高清显卡,在基于 x64 的 PC 上,英特尔奔腾 CPU P6100,2.00 GHz,1999 MHz,2 核 2 逻辑处理器 BIOS 戴尔 A11 31.03.2011,SMBIOS 2.6 内存 4 Gb,总虚拟内存 7,6 Gb
我在启动屏幕上看到的 Ubuntu / Linux 版本是:
GNU-GRUB version 1.99-21ubuntu3
debian The Universal Operating System.
- Ubuntu,带有 Linux 3.2.0-24-generic-pae Ubuntu,带有 Linux 3.2.0-24-generic-pae(恢复模式)
- 内存测试(memtest 86+)
- 内存测试(memtest 86+,串行控制台 115200)
- Windows 7(加载程序)(在 /dev/sda2 上)
- Ubuntu,带有 Linux 2.6.38-10-generic(在 /dev/sda5 上)
- Ubuntu,带有 Linux 2.6.38-10-generic(恢复模式)(在 /dev/sda5 上)
- Ubuntu,带有 Linux 2.6.38-8-generic(在 /dev/sda5 上)
- Ubuntu,带有 Linux 2.6.38-8-generic(恢复模式)(在 /dev/sda5 上)
2.6.38-10 和 2.6.38-8 版本均可运行,但在这些版本中我无法访问我自己的文件。
2012 年 5 月 27 日星期日
刚刚我从 Ubuntu 收到了很多新软件,多亏了这些软件(我认为)我现在能够在 Ubuntu 12.04 中使用我的用户帐户。
唯一仍无法正常工作的是启动 GUI 终端,如 Byobu 或其他终端。我只看到屏幕上快速闪烁,然后就消失了。
为了回答您尝试该less etc.
/usr/sbin/lightdm-session: 27: .:Can't open /usr/bin/byobu-launch
/home/rita/.xsession-errors (END)
2012 年 5 月 31 日星期四
希望我的互联网连接能够保持足够长的时间来获取新信息:我再次执行该less etc.
openConnection: connect: No such file or directory
cannot connect to brltty at :0
gnome-session[1623]: WARNING: Failed to start app: Unable to start application: Failed to execute child process "gnome-power-manager" (No such file or directory)
** Message: applet now removed from the notification area
** Message: using fallback from indicator to GtkStatusIcon
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gobject/constants.py:24: Warning: g_boxed_type_register_static: assertion `g_type_from_name (name) == 0' failed
import gobject._gobject
** (nautilus:1728): WARNING **: Can not get _NET_WORKAREA
** (nautilus:1728): WARNING **: Can not determine workarea, guessing at layout
failed to create drawable
failed to create drawable
** Message: applet now embedded in the notification area
Window manager warning: CurrentTime used to choose focus window; focus window may not be correct.
Window manager warning: Got a request to focus 0x1200004 (Desktop) with a timestamp of 0. This shouldn't happen!
/usr/bin/indicator-weather:1932: GtkWarning: IA__gdk_window_thaw_toplevel_updates_libgtk_only: assertion `private->update_and_descendants_freeze_count > 0' failed
(gnome-shell:1710): folks-WARNING **: Failed to find primary PersonaStore with type ID 'eds' and ID 'system'.
Individuals will not be linked properly and creating new links between Personas will not work.
The configured primary PersonaStore's backend may not be installed. If you are unsure, check with your distribution.
Window manager warning: Buggy client sent a _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW message with a timestamp of 0 for 0x2200003 (Transmissi)
Window manager warning: meta_window_activate called by a pager with a 0 timestamp; the pager needs to be fixed.
Window manager warning: CurrentTime used to choose focus window; focus window may not be correct.
Window manager warning: Got a request to focus 0x1200004 (Desktop) with a timestamp of 0. This shouldn't happen!
Window manager warning: CurrentTime used to choose focus window; focus window may not be correct.
Window manager warning: Got a request to focus 0x2200003 (Transmissi) with a timestamp of 0. This shouldn't happen!
Window manager warning: CurrentTime used to choose focus window; focus window may not be correct.
Window manager warning: Got a request to focus 0x1200004 (Desktop) with a timestamp of 0. This shouldn't happen!
Window manager warning: CurrentTime used to choose focus window; focus window may not be correct.
Window manager warning: Got a request to focus 0x1200004 (Desktop) with a timestamp of 0. This shouldn't happen!
Window manager warning: CurrentTime used to choose focus window; focus window may not be correct.
Window manager warning: Got a request to focus 0x260002e (http://www) with a timestamp of 0. This shouldn't happen!
Window manager warning: CurrentTime used to choose focus window; focus window may not be correct.
Window manager warning: Got a request to focus 0x1200004 (Desktop) with a timestamp of 0. This shouldn't happen!
(nm-applet:1724): GdkPixbuf-CRITICAL **: gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple: assertion `dest_width > 0' failed
Window manager warning: CurrentTime used to choose focus window; focus window may not be correct.
Window manager warning: Got a request to focus 0x2200003 (Transmissi) with a timestamp of 0. This shouldn't happen!
Window manager warning: CurrentTime used to choose focus window; focus window may not be correct.
Window manager warning: Got a request to focus 0x1200004 (Desktop) with a timestamp of 0. This shouldn't happen!
Window manager warning: CurrentTime used to choose focus window; focus window may not be correct.
Window manager warning: Got a request to focus 0x1200004 (Desktop) with a timestamp of 0. This shouldn't happen!
Window manager warning: CurrentTime used to choose focus window; focus window may not be correct.
Window manager warning: Got a request to focus 0x1200004 (Desktop) with a timestamp of 0. This shouldn't happen!
Window manager warning: CurrentTime used to choose focus window; focus window may not be correct.
less /home/replacethiswithyourusername/.xsession-errors
PageUp使用光标键和/或、PageDown、Home、浏览文件文本End。按Q退出“less”应用程序并返回到 shell 提示符。
它可能包含有关您的 GUI 会话无法启动的原因的相关信息。
此外,在“图形问候器”中,即您通常使用用户名和密码进行身份验证以进入 GUI 会话的图形界面,应该有一个选项可以选择不同的“登录会话”。
它可以列出诸如“Ubuntu Classic”之类的内容或名称中带有“Unity”的选项。