在 OpenOffice 中计算天/月/年的年龄

在 OpenOffice 中计算天/月/年的年龄

需要在 OpenOffice 中查找以天 - 月 - 年为单位的年龄。

Microsoft Excel 中有这个功能DATEDIF()。你可以使用它来计算两个日期之间的天数/月数/年数之差。

Age Calculation 
    You can calculate a persons age based on their birthday and todays date.
    The calculation uses the DATEDIF() function.        
    The DATEDIF() is not documented in Excel 5, 7 or 97, but it is in 2000. 
    (Makes you wonder what else Microsoft forgot to tell us!)   
    Birth date :    01-Jan-60       
    Years lived :   52   =DATEDIF(C8,TODAY(),"y")   
    and the months :    4    =DATEDIF(C8,TODAY(),"ym")
    and the days :  30   =DATEDIF(C8,TODAY(),"md")


Another way to calculate age         
This method gives you an age which may potentially have decimal places representing the months.
If the age is 20.5, the .5 represents 6 months.             
Birth date :    01-Jan-60
Age is :    52.41    =(TODAY()-C23)/365.25





将给出已过去的年数和月数的总和。要从年数总和中得到剩余的月数,只需使用模数(在 Calc 中:MOD()):

=MOD(MONTHS(01-Jan-60,NOW,1), 12)

将月份总数除以 12 后将返回剩余的 4 个月。

当然,您可以用单元格引用替换上述公式中包含的日期。=YEARS(A1,A2,1)假设单元格 A1 和 A2 包含日期。
