

我想让自定义文本始终打印在屏幕上。我尝试使用 rainmeter 软件,但找不到从系统上的文件加载文本的选项或任何其他方式。


PS 我的想法是每秒或者当新的条目出现时将我的实时 PHP 网站错误日志打印在屏幕上。




代码中有一些注释,但简而言之,它将:从指定的日志文件末尾读取 5 行;创建一个窗口并将其作为文本添加到窗口上;使窗口透明、始终位于顶部并且“不可点击”;并且每 1 秒更新一次文本(可能需要增加这个时间,但我没有看到巨大的性能损失 - 即使日志文件有 20mb)。

要退出脚本,请右键单击系统托盘中的 AutoHotKey 图标并选择退出。

如果我的链接断了,AHK 代码如下:

#SingleInstance force
; Example: On-screen display (OSD) via transparent window:
FileName := "C:\xampplite\apache\logs\access.log"
NumLines = 5
CustomColor = FF8080 ; The transparent background color of the window, set this to something close to your text colour to avoid white highlighting

Gui +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow +E0x20  ; +ToolWindow avoids a taskbar button and an alt-tab menu item.
Gui, Color, %CustomColor%
Gui, Font, s12  ; Set a large font size (12-point).
errorTail := FileTail(FileName , NumLines) ; get the text from the file, last 5 lines
Gui, Add, Text, vMyText cRed Y+0, %errorTail%  ; add it, colour is Red, R5 sets 5 rows

; choose one of these lines, first one show just the text, second one has a background for readability
WinSet, TransColor, %CustomColor% 200 ; Make all pixels of this color transparent and make the text itself translucent (250)
;Winset, Transparent, 150

SetTimer, UpdateOSD, 1000 ; 1 second timer set here
Gui, Show, x0 y600 NoActivate  ; Set the x and y position. NoActivate avoids deactivating the currently active window.

UpdateOSD: ; the repeated timer routine
errorTail := FileTail(FileName, NumLines) ;get 5 lines
GuiControl,, MyText, %errorTail%

; ======================================================================================================================
; Function:    Retrieve the last lines of a text file.
; AHK version:  1.1.07+
; Parameters:
;    FileName -  the name of the file, assumed to be in A_WorkingDir if an absolute path isn't specified
;    Lines  -  number of lines to read - default: 10 (like Unix)
;    NewLine  -  new line character(s)   - default: `r`n (Windows)
; Return values:
;    On success: The required lines, if present
;    On failure: ""
; Version: me
; ======================================================================================================================
FileTail(FileName, Lines = 10, NewLine = "`r`n") {
   Static MaxLineLength := 256 ; seems to be reasonable to start with
   If !IsObject(File := FileOpen(FileName, "r"))
      Return ""
   Content := ""
   LinesLength := MaxLineLength * Lines * (InStr(File.Encoding, "UTF-16") ? 2 : 1)
   FileLength := File.Length
   BytesToRead := 0
   FoundLines := 0
   While (BytesToRead < FileLength) && !(FoundLines) {
      BytesToRead += LinesLength
      If (BytesToRead < FileLength)
         File.Pos := FileLength - BytesToRead
         File.Pos := 0
      Content := RTrim(File.Read(), "`r`n")
      If (FoundLines := InStr(Content, NewLine, 0, 0, Lines))
         Content := SubStr(Content, FoundLines + StrLen(NewLine))
   Return Content
