如何从 Mac 卸载 iconv?

如何从 Mac 卸载 iconv?

我正在尝试让 Homebrew 运行,并brew doctor返回几个警告,其中一个是:

Warning: The following libiconv files were detected in /usr/local:
Homebrew doesn't provide a libiconv formula, and expects to link against
the system version in /usr/lib.

If you have an alternate libiconv, many formulae will fail to compile or
link, especially if it wasn't compiled with the proper architectures.

我认为我必须卸载 iconv。我该怎么做?



如果除了 Homebrew 之外你什么都不/usr/local想要,你可以这样做:

cd /usr/local && xcrun git clean -xfde /var
brew link `brew ls`
brew doctor

剩下的就只有 Homebrew 了。

清理步骤中可能会出现权限错误。如果是这样,您可以sudo在 之前再次运行它xcrun。但是请谨慎操作。

您可以xcrun git clean -dn先运行一下,看看会删除什么。
