Windows 7,使用斜杠而不是反斜杠显示路径

Windows 7,使用斜杠而不是反斜杠显示路径

我正在寻找一种方法,让 Windows 始终将路径显示为斜杠而不是反斜杠,以便在将路径复制粘贴到 Java 代码时省去很多麻烦。


默认 Explorer 行为


我想要的 Explorer 行为



使用路径 复制 复制软件:

Unix 路径复制截图

从设置中启用 UNIX 路径复制选项。

路径 复制 复制设置 截图


我按照 Ankit 的建议实现了它。实现过程有点棘手,因为重写的路径不能再用于粘贴实际文件(而不是文本路径)。我通过检测我猜测只会使用文本表示的情况来解决这个问题。从技术上讲,据我了解 Windows 剪贴板实现,甚至可以只更改路径的文本表示,但我把这个任务留给了别人。不确定是否可以使用 AutoHotKey 来完成。

因此,AutoHotKey 脚本是按照以下工作流程编写的:

  1. 按照通常的方式复制路径。
  2. 我们尽力确保剪贴板中的路径干净。
  3. 如果我们不能默认执行此操作(我们不知道它是否保存),我们什么也不做,您必须通过按Shift+ Super+手动清理剪贴板中的路径C


#SingleInstance force
#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx

;; Use this until I hit the first issue then document here and set back to default value.
SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0

;; Copy clean file/directory path to clipboard (use forward slashes as file separators) {{{

;; WARNING: This clipboard substitution has the issue that after the substitution, pasting the file does not work anymore!!
;; Because of this, we don’t run the substitution OnClipboardChange globally but only when we consider it save and otherwise using a (manual) shortcut.
;; Situations where we know it is save:
;; * Double Commander calls CopyFullNamesToClip.
;; * Location bar in Explorer has focus. See limitations below!

;; The expected workflow is:
;; 1. Do what you usually do to copy a path.
;; 2. We try to do what is necessary to have a clean path in the clipboard.
;; 3. If we cannot do it by default (we don’t know that it is save), we do nothing and you have to manually make the path in the clipboard clean by pressing Shift+Super+C.

;; Ref: Get-CleanPath in ../../MS_Shell/Modules/ypidDotfiles/ypidDotfiles.psm1
;; Seems up to and including Windows 10, UNC paths with forward slashes don’t work.
;; At least // and \\ and //\home don’t work.
clean_path_in_clipboard() {
    If (RegExMatch(Clipboard, "^(?i)(?:[a-z]:)?\\[^\\]")) {
        StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard,\,/, All

;; Shift+Super+C | Clean file/directory path in clipboard {{{
    ; ClipSaved := ClipboardAll
    ; Clipboard = 

    ; Send ^c
    ;; Ensure that we are only working on text.
    ; ClipWait

    ; currentPath =
    ; WinGetClass explorerClass, A
    ; ControlGetText currentPath, Edit1, ahk_class %explorerClass%
    ; msgbox %currentPath%

    ; If (ErrorLevel) {
    ;     Clipboard := ClipSaved
    ;     MsgBox, 48, Clipboard copy warning, Failed to copy to clipboard.
    ;     Return
    ; }

;; }}}

;; Shift+Alt+C | Hook Double Commander calls to CopyFullNamesToClip and run clean_path_in_clipboard afterwards.
;; We can "safely" do this because when CopyFullNamesToClip is called, the user wants to copy the path as text.
#IfWinActive ahk_exe doublecmd.exe
    Send +!c
#UseHook off

    ;; Fix file path when in transit in Explorer (or Double Commander).
    ;; Ensure that we are only working on text.
    If (WinActive("ahk_exe (?i)(?:explorer.exe|doublecmd.exe)") and A_EventInfo == 1) {

        ;; Location bar in Explorer has focus.
        ;; Run clean_path_in_clipboard after copying text to clipboard in Explorer when cursor is above "Location bar" known as Edit1 (bad programming/variable naming M$??).
        ;; Technically this is not 100 % bulletproof because you could do the copy to clipboard with Ctrl+L followed Ctrl+C while the cursor focuses some other control.
        If (WinActive("ahk_exe (?i)(?:explorer.exe)")) {
            MouseGetPos, , , , control_below_cursor
            If (control_below_cursor == "Edit1") {

        ;; We cannot do this globally, see WARNING above.
        ; clean_path_in_clipboard()

;; }}}

(GitHub 上也有此记录:

还要感谢 Katharsas 在“适用于 Windows 10 的反馈中心应用程序”中打开反馈请求。最好有原生支持,但我认为微软不会在合理的时间内做到这一点。所以我们只能通过这种黑客攻击自己做。正斜杠是更好的跨平台路径分隔符。永远不要让微软指挥你任何事情。尽情享受 ;-)


在 PowerShell 中运行以下函数:

function slash {
    Get-Clipboard | 
    % {$_ -replace '\\','/'} |
    Set-Clipboard ; echo 'Conversion done.'

然后您可以通过复制路径并slash在 powershell 中运行来使用它。




  • 选择并复制包含的路径\
  • 按下某些热键来激活脚本。
  • 该脚本访问剪贴板的内容并使用简单的逻辑来替换每个出现\/
  • 现在剪贴板内容包含带有 的路径/

脚本可能是文件或自动热键脚本。但我不认为蝙蝠可以访问剪贴板内容。所以 Autohotkey 是最好的选择。
