如果我想为 python 安装 virtualenv,我应该选择哪个包?

如果我想为 python 安装 virtualenv,我应该选择哪个包?

pip 搜索返回的匹配项太多,我对应该选择安装哪个包感到困惑。

我是否应该只安装virtualenv?或者我最好也安装virtualenv-commandsvirtualenv-commands等。但我真的不知道 virtualenv-commands 到底是什么。

mirror0@lab:~$ pip search virtualenv

virtualenvwrapper         - Enhancements to virtualenv
virtualenv                - Virtual Python Environment builder
veh                       - virtualenv for hg
pyutilib.virtualenv       - PyUtilib utility for building custom virtualenv bootstrap scripts.
envbuilder                - A package for automatic generation of virtualenvs
virtstrap-core            - A bootstrapping mechanism for virtualenv+pip and shell scripts
tox                       - virtualenv-based automation of test activities
virtualenvwrapper-win     - Port of Doug Hellmann's virtualenvwrapper to Windows batch scripts
everyapp.bootstrap        - Enhanced virtualenv bootstrap script creation.
orb                       - pip/virtualenv shell script wrapper
monupco-virtualenv-python - monupco.com registration agent for stand-alone Python virtualenv applications
virtualenvwrapper-powershell - Enhancements to virtualenv (for Windows). A clone of Doug Hellmann's virtualenvwrapper
RVirtualEnv               - relocatable python virtual environment
virtualenv-clone          - script to clone virtualenvs.
virtualenvcontext         - switch virtualenvs with a python context manager
lessrb                    - Wrapper for ruby less so that it's in a virtualenv.
carton                    - make self-extracting virtualenvs
virtualenv5               - Virtual Python 3 Environment builder
clever-alexis             - Clever redhead girl that builds and packs Python project with Virtualenv into rpm, deb, etc.
kforgeinstall             - Virtualenv bootstrap script for KForge
pypyenv                   - Install PyPy in virtualenv
virtualenv-distribute     - Virtual Python Environment builder
virtualenvwrapper.project - virtualenvwrapper plugin to manage a project work directory
virtualenv-commands       - Additional commands for virtualenv.
rjm.recipe.venv           - zc.buildout recipe to turn the entire buildout tree into a virtualenv
virtualenvwrapper.bitbucket - virtualenvwrapper plugin to manage a project work directory based on a BitBucket repository
tg_bootstrap              - Bootstrap a TurboGears app in a VirtualEnv
django-env                - Automaticly manages virtualenv for django project
virtual-node              - Install node.js into your virtualenv
django-environment        - A plugin for virtualenvwrapper that makes setting up and creating new Django environments easier.
vip                       - vip is a simple library that makes your python aware of existing virtualenv underneath.
virtualenvwrapper.django  - virtualenvwrapper plugin to create a Django project work directory
terrarium                 - Package and ship relocatable python virtualenvs
venv_dependencies         - Easy to install any dependencies in a virtualenviroment(without making symlinks by hand and etc...)
virtualenv-sh             - Convenient shell interface to virtualenv
virtualenvwrapper.github  - Plugin for virtualenvwrapper to automatically create projects based on github repositories.
virtualenvwrapper.configvar - Plugin for virtualenvwrapper to automatically export config vars found in your project level .env file.
virtualenvwrapper-emacs-desktop - virtualenvwrapper plugin to control emacs desktop mode
bootstrapper              - Bootstrap Python projects with virtualenv and pip.
virtualenv3               - Obsolete fork of virtualenv
isotoma.depends.zope2_13_8 - Running zope in a virtualenv
virtual-less              - Install lessc into your virtualenv
virtualenvwrapper.tmpenv  - Temporary virtualenvs are automatically deleted when deactivated
isotoma.plone.heroku      - Tooling for running Plone on heroku in a virtualenv
gae-virtualenv            - Using virtualenv with zipimport on Google App Engine
pinvenv                   - VirtualEnv plugins for pin
isotoma.depends.plone4_1  - Running plone in a virtualenv
virtualenv-tools          - A set of tools for virtualenv
virtualenvwrapper.npm     - Plugin for virtualenvwrapper to automatically encapsulate inside the virtual environment any npm installed globaly when the venv is activated
d51.django.virtualenv.test_runner - Simple package for running isolated Django tests from within virtualenv
difio-virtualenv-python   - Difio registration agent for stand-alone Python virtualenv applications
VirtualEnvManager         - A package to manage various virtual environments.
virtualenvwrapper.gem     - Plugin for virtualenvwrapper to automatically encapsulate inside the virtual environment any gems installed when the venv is activated


包管理旨在让您的生活更轻松,而不是更艰难。最简单的答案通常是正确的 - virtualenv。

