

我已经在 Mozilla Thunderbird 论坛上发布了这个问题,回复的人都不知道发生了什么。希望我在这里能有更好的运气!

我在 Windows 7 下使用 Thunderbird 17.0。

几天前,我尝试通过让 Thunderbird 的垃圾过滤器发挥作用来解决一个长期存在的烦恼。

使用默认设置时,Thunderbird 显然会记录我标记为垃圾邮件的邮件地址,因为来自这些地址的邮件不再显示“垃圾邮件”按钮。但是,垃圾邮件日志中从未记录任何内容,也没有将任何内容移至垃圾邮件。


Options > Security > Junk
   [x] When I mark messages as junk:
      (x) Move them to the account's "Junk" folder.
      ( ) Delete them
   [ ] Mark messages determined to be Junk as read
   [x] Enable adaptive junk filter logging.

Options > Account Settings > (for each account) > Junk Settings
   [x] Enable adaptive junk mail controls for this account
   Do not automatically mark mail as junk if address is in:
      [ ] Colleccted Addresses
      [ ] Eudora Nicknames
      [x] Personal Address Book

   [ ] Trust junk mail headers set by

   [x] Move new junk messages to:
      (x) "Junk" folder on: Local Folders
      ( ) Other: Junk on lLocal Folders
      [ ] Automatically delete junk mail older than 14 days

Thunderbird 现在可以检测垃圾邮件并将其记录在日志中,但仍不会将其移至垃圾邮件文件夹。我错过了什么?
