在 UBUNTU 上开始使用 google appengine (python2.7)

在 UBUNTU 上开始使用 google appengine (python2.7)

我正在按照教程进行操作,https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/python/gettingstartedpython27/helloworld.我使用 Ubuntu 12.04

我准备了 helloworld 示例,然后收到此消息:

mark@einstein:~/Desktop$ google_appengine/dev_appserver.py ~/googleapps/helloworld/
WARNING  2013-02-13 15:58:32,107 rdbms_mysqldb.py:74] The rdbms API is not available because the MySQLdb library could not be loaded.
INFO     2013-02-13 15:58:32,172 appcfg.py:586] Checking for updates to the SDK.
INFO     2013-02-13 15:58:34,369 appcfg.py:604] The SDK is up to date.
WARNING  2013-02-13 15:58:34,369 dev_appserver.py:3571] The datastore file stub is deprecated, and
will stop being the default in a future release.
Append the --use_sqlite flag to use the new SQLite stub.

You can port your existing data using the --port_sqlite_data flag or
purge your previous test data with --clear_datastore.

WARNING  2013-02-13 15:58:34,370 datastore_file_stub.py:518] Could not read datastore data from /tmp/dev_appserver.datastore
WARNING  2013-02-13 15:58:34,370 simple_search_stub.py:954] Could not read search indexes from /tmp/dev_appserver.searchindexes
INFO     2013-02-13 15:58:34,397 dev_appserver_multiprocess.py:655] Running application dev~helloworld on port 8080: http://<<lch>>:8080
INFO     2013-02-13 15:58:34,397 dev_appserver_multiprocess.py:657] Admin console is available at: http://<<lch>>:8080/_ah/admin



安装 MySQL(如果尚未安装)

然后是 Python MySQLdb


正如 Paul C 在评论中指出的那样,警告是正常的,SDK 运行正常,只是在没有启动和运行 MySQL 的情况下无法使用“Google Cloud SQL”API
