如何使用 mpv 对视频或媒体进行排队?

如何使用 mpv 对视频或媒体进行排队?

特别是,我想要一个 mpv 命令,它会自动播放我按顺序添加的 YouTube 链接。例如,在聚会上,我可能想将我们想到的歌曲排列起来,并让它们自动播放。


man mpv

 mpv [options] [file|URL|PLAYLIST|-]


        Play  files according to a playlist file (Supports some common formats. 
        If no format is detected, it will be treated as list
        of files, separated by newline characters. Note that XML playlist 
        formats are not supported.)

        You can play playlists directly and without this option, 
        however, this option disables any security mechanisms that might be
        in place. You may also need this option to load plaintext files as playlist.
