如何触发 AHK 的功能

如何触发 AHK 的功能

我是 AHK 脚本的新手,我希望能够按 #n(Windows 键 + n)并在每次按下时触发一系列键盘组合(shift + end、alt + tab、^T、^V、enter、tab、enter)。


(感谢 Robert Ilbrink 编辑的最终代码对我有用,对他的提案进行了轻微的修改)

#SingleInstance Force
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
#IfWinActive, Word ; #n will only trigger when working inside Word.
#n::  ; [Win]+n trigger key
    ClipBoard =  ; Clear ClipBoard
    Send, +{End} ; [Shift]+[End]
    Send, ^c  ; Store selected text in ClipBoard
    Sleep, 100 ; ClipWait seems unreliable
    WinActivate, ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1
    Send, ^t ; In my Chrome setup I immediately get a Google search page.
    Send, ^v;
    Send, {Enter};
    Sleep, 1000 ;
    Send, {Tab}{Enter};
    ;SoundBeep, 500, 500



#SingleInstance Force
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
#IfWinActive, Word ; #n will only trigger when working inside Word.
#n::  ; [Win]+n trigger key
    ClipBoard =  ; Clear ClipBoard
    Send, +{End} ; [Shift]+[End]
    Send, ^c  ; Store selected text in ClipBoard
    Sleep, 100 ; ClipWait seems unreliable
    WinActivate, ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1
    Send, ^t ; In my Chrome setup I immediately get a Google search page.
    WinWaitActive, Google - Google Chrome ; Wait for Google search Page
    Send, %ClipBoard%{Enter}  ; Send ClipBoard Text to Google
    WinWaitActive, %ClipBoard%  ; Wait for window title with search string
    Send, {Tab}{Enter}
    SoundBeep, 500, 500

添加了 Tab+Enter 组合键。这在我的计算机上不起作用,因为 Tab 会跳转到黑色 Google+ 菜单栏……
