在 Windows 中可以进行模式 ping 吗?

在 Windows 中可以进行模式 ping 吗?

是否有可能模式 ping在 Windows 中,就像我们在 linux 中所做的那样(ping -p ff [dest_ip]


实际上是的,你可以。抓住不过,你必须自己编写应用程序,使用 .net 并实现 ping。好消息是,你所要做的就是复制示例在此 MS 页面上进入免费的 Visual Studio C#。


不,Windows ping 实现不包含 -p 选项或任何其他允许您设置有效负载的选项(IIRC,Windows ping 有效负载是从 m -thru- l 开头的拉丁字母)。

PS C:\Windows\system32> ping /?

Usage: ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l size] [-f] [-i TTL] [-v TOS]
            [-r count] [-s count] [[-j host-list] | [-k host-list]]
            [-w timeout] [-R] [-S srcaddr] [-4] [-6] target_name

    -t             Ping the specified host until stopped.
                   To see statistics and continue - type Control-Break;
                   To stop - type Control-C.
    -a             Resolve addresses to hostnames.
    -n count       Number of echo requests to send.
    -l size        Send buffer size.
    -f             Set Don't Fragment flag in packet (IPv4-only).
    -i TTL         Time To Live.
    -v TOS         Type Of Service (IPv4-only. This setting has been deprecated
                   and has no effect on the type of service field in the IP Header).
    -r count       Record route for count hops (IPv4-only).
    -s count       Timestamp for count hops (IPv4-only).
    -j host-list   Loose source route along host-list (IPv4-only).
    -k host-list   Strict source route along host-list (IPv4-only).
    -w timeout     Timeout in milliseconds to wait for each reply.
    -R             Use routing header to test reverse route also (IPv6-only).
    -S srcaddr     Source address to use.
    -4             Force using IPv4.
    -6             Force using IPv6.
