Zsh 配置 - VSCode 的行导航

Zsh 配置 - VSCode 的行导航

我实际上已经问过这个问题超级用户堆栈溢出。我正在使用 VSCode 并且有一个很好的行为:当我从行尾执行Alt+时,它会停止在

    ^   ^    ^    ^     

当我执行Delete+时Alt,它会删除what, then _, thenwait等等。

我想做或多或少相同的事情zsh(没有“oh-my-zsh”,因为我已经在使用zimfw)。开箱即用,它似乎不考虑_作为单词分隔符,并且 for /,它同时删除它。

我发现了一些类似的问题,他们建议使用select-word-style bash,但 bash 在删除时没有我想要的行为。



您可以删除_and /from $WORDCHARS(或您不希望被视为单词一部分的任何其他字符))并定义一个小部件,删除要绑定的单词或非单词字符序列Alt+Del

delete-word-or-non-word() {
  emulate -L zsh       # restore default zsh options locally to the function
  set -o extendedglob  # extended glob needed for the ## operator (locally)

  # ${var##pattern} ksh operator to remove the longest string that matches
  # the pattern off the start of $var. Here applied to $RBUFFER which in a
  # zle widget is the part of the line editor buffer to the right of the
  # cursor. [[:WORD:]] matches a *word* character (alnums + $WORDCHARS),
  # ## is *one or more* (like ERE's + or ksh's +(...))

zle -N delete-word-or-non-word # define a new zle widget using that function

# bind that new widget
bindkey '\ed' delete-word-or-non-word      # Alt+D
bindkey '^[[3;3~' delete-word-or-non-word  # Alt+Del on xterm at least

WORDCHARS=${WORDCHARS//[\/_]}  # remove _ and / from WORDCHARS
                               # using the ${var//pattern/replacement} ksh
                               # operator

WORDCHARS=                     # or make it empty so that the only *word*
                               # characters are alphanumerics

