如何在Windows8中创建开放(未加密)的AdHoc WiFi网络?

如何在Windows8中创建开放(未加密)的AdHoc WiFi网络?


netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=try key=12345678  

仅创建安全网络。如何在 Windows 8 中创建开放的未加密 AdHoc 无线网络?


我从帮助文本中得知,使用 netsh 无法实现这一点。全文如下:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>netsh wlan set hostednetwork ?

Usage: set hostednetwork [mode=]allow|disallow [ssid=]<ssid>
                         [key=]<passphrase> [keyUsage=]persistent|temporary


    Tag             Value
    mode            Specifies whether to allow or disallow the hosted network.
    ssid            SSID of the hosted network.
    key             The user security key used by the hosted network.
    keyUsage        Specifies whether the user security key is persistent or


    This command changes the properties of hosted network, including: SSID
    of the hosted network, allow or disallow the hosted network in the system,
    and a user security key that is used by the hosted network.

    The user security key should be a string with 8 to 63 ASCII characters,
    eg. a passphrase, or 64 hexadecimal digits which represent 32 binary

    If keyUsage is specified as persistent, the security key will be saved
    and used when the hosted network is started again in future. Otherwise
    it will be used only when the current or next time the hosted network
    is started. Once the hosted network is stopped, the temporary security
    key will be deleted from the system. If keyUsage is not specified, it
    is persistent by default.

    This command requires administrator privileges to allow or disallow the
    hosted network.


    set hostednetwork mode=allow
    set hostednetwork ssid=ssid1
    set hostednetwork key=passphrase keyUsage=persistent
