Excel - 将数字输入转换为时间值

Excel - 将数字输入转换为时间值

我已经使用此自定义类型格式化了 Excel 2010 中的一些单元格:








但您的自定义格式肯定不能处理午夜至凌晨 1 点之间的时间。013 中的前导零将被删除。

问题在于,您不知道输入 13 的用户指的是 00:13 还是 13:00。只要这有待解释,任何格式、公式或代码解决方案都无济于事。


您可能需要应用 VBA 而不是自定义格式来确保

a)用户输入足够的字符,以便毫无疑问地解释时间值,例如 013 表示 0:13,1300 表示 13:00


c) 输入时间时,前导零不会被删除。

下面是将此类条目转换为日期/时间值的 UDF。它还包含通过在条目中添加一个或多个 + 或 - 符号来增加或减少天数的功能。从工作表更改事件中调用此函数。

Public Function TimeEntry(iTarget As String) As Variant

' convert values into date/times
' expected user input in the format of
' 1430      will be converted to today, 14:30
' 1430+     will be converted to today + 1 day, 14:30
' 1430-     will be converted to today - 1 day, 14:30
' multiple + or - signs are allowed to enable quick entry of time several days ago or
' in the future

Dim IncDay As Integer, DecDay As Integer
Dim eTime As Variant
On Error GoTo Message
    Msg = ""
    eTime = Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(iTarget, "+", "")
    eTime = Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(eTime, "-", "")
    eTime = Format(eTime, "0000")
' a few error checks to validate the data
' - can only start with a number
' - must be a number after stripping off the + and - signs
' - cannot be less than 3 or more than 4 digits
' - cannot be more than 23:59
    If Not IsNumeric(Left(iTarget, 1)) Or _
        Not IsNumeric(eTime) Or _
        Len(eTime) > 4 Or _
        eTime > 2359 Then
        GoTo Message
    End If
' insert a colon before the last two digits and convert into a time
    eTime = Left(eTime, Len(eTime) - 2) & ":" & Right(eTime, 2)
    eTime = TimeValue(eTime)
' determine how many days to increase or decrease
    IncDay = Len(iTarget) - Len(Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(iTarget, "+", ""))
    DecDay = Len(iTarget) - Len(Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(iTarget, "-", ""))

' increase/decrease current date and add the time value
    TimeEntry = Date + IncDay + (DecDay * -1) + eTime

GoTo Ende
        Msg = "Invalid time value entered" & Chr(10) & Chr(10)
        Msg = Msg & "Please enter time values like this: " & Chr(10) & Chr(10)
        Msg = Msg & " 900   for 9:00 am today " & Chr(10)
        Msg = Msg & "2130+  for 21:30 tomorrow " & Chr(10)
        Msg = Msg & " 000+  for midnight tonight" & Chr(10)
        Msg = Msg & "1000-- for 10 am two days ago."
        MsgBox Msg
        TimeEntry = ""

End Function
