在 emacs 中交换花括号和方括号

在 emacs 中交换花括号和方括号

目前,emacs我必须输入SHIFT-[SHIFT-]才能分别获得{}。输入[和分别]产生[]。我想在 emacs 中交换此行为,即我想要:

  • [并且]会产生{}
  • SHIFT-[并且SHIFT-]会产生[]




如果您希望在整个 Emacs 中都实现此行为,那么使用为此目的专门提供的键盘映射表即可轻松实现key-translation-map。如果只想在某些主要模式下使用它,事情就会变得有些复杂。到目前为止,我发现最好的方法是定义一个次要模式,根据给定的键盘映射表执行转换,然后添加一个钩子来激活该次要模式以及您希望它应用到的每个主要模式。


;;; swap-braces.el - a minor mode to swap square and curly braces

;;; Installation: 

;; Drop it in your load path and (require 'swap-braces).
;; Possibly also (add-hook 'foo-mode-hook 'swap-braces-mode).

;;; Commentary:

;; The swap function explicitly instructs Linum to schedule an update,
;; if Linum mode is enabled; otherwise, Linum does not automatically 
;; update while Swap-Braces mode is enabled.
;; This seems like it should not be necessary, and I'm uncertain whether 
;; it has greater implications regarding interaction between this mode 
;; and others. 
;; (That is, it makes me worry that something about how I've implemented 
;; this makes it screw up other modes using post-command-hook. Caveat user!)

;;; Author

;; Aaron Miller ([email protected])

(setq swap-braces-map (make-sparse-keymap))

(define-key swap-braces-map (kbd "{") "[")
(define-key swap-braces-map (kbd "}") "]")
(define-key swap-braces-map (kbd "[") "{")
(define-key swap-braces-map (kbd "]") "}")

(define-minor-mode swap-braces-mode
  "When active, swap square braces and curly braces, so that e.g. pressing [
elicits '{', and S-[ elicits '['.

The keymap `swap-braces-map' defines this mode's behavior. It is strongly
recommended that you do not define keys in this map which are not self-
inserting characters; the resulting behavior is indeterminate, but almost
certainly not what you intended."
  :init-value nil
  :lighter " [{"
  (if swap-braces-mode
      (add-hook 'post-command-hook
    (remove-hook 'post-command-hook

(defun swap-braces-mode-swap ()
  ;; this worries me
  (if (and (boundp 'linum-mode)
           (not (eq nil linum-mode)))
  (when (and (eq (char-before) last-command-event)
             (not (window-minibuffer-p (selected-window))))
    (let* ((translation (lookup-key swap-braces-map (string (char-before)))))
      (if (stringp translation)
            (backward-delete-char 1)
            (insert translation))))))

(provide 'swap-braces)

它并不完美;请注意有关 linum-mode 的注意事项,以及这种奇怪的错误行为可能暗示此模式对使用 post-command-hook 的其他模式的影响。我使用了几种这样的模式,在测试期间没有发现任何问题(除了 linum 不更新),但您的情况可能会有所不同,所以请注意。(奇怪的是,使用 post-self-insert-hook 在这里没有任何区别;我选择了 post-command-hook,因为 post-self-insert-hook 显然是 Emacs 24 中的新功能,并且它在行为上没有任何区别,值得放弃向后兼容性。)

然后,在您的初始化代码中的某个地方,(require 'swap-braces);从现在开始,您可以使用激活交换行为M-x swap-braces-mode


(add-hook 'foo-mode-hook 'swap-braces-mode)


于 2013-10-09 编辑,仅当选定的窗口不是迷你缓冲区时才应用翻译;参见评论。



M-x describe-key [
\\    [ runs the command self-insert-command ...
M-x describe-key
\\    { runs the command self-insert-command ...


(global-set-key (kbd "{") (lambda () (interactive) (insert "[")))


(add-hook 'some-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
             (define-key some-mode-map (kbd "{") (lambda () (interactive) (insert "[")))

