测量 Windows 和 Linux 中进程的运行时间

测量 Windows 和 Linux 中进程的运行时间



PowerShell 命令“Measure-Command”会给我更精确的响应吗?“Time”在 Linux 上会做同样的事情吗?



我不能说 Windows 命令,但是是的,*nix时间将给你更精确的答复:

$ time du -sch /usr/local/
147M  /usr/local/
147M  total

real    0m2.977s
user    0m0.008s
sys     0m0.076s

man time它可以显示(其中许多其他事情):

    E      Elapsed real (wall clock) time used by
           the process, in
    P      Percentage of the CPU that this job
           got.  This is just user + system times
           divided by the total running time.  It
           also prints a percentage sign.
    S      Total number of CPU-seconds used by the
           system on behalf of the process (in
           kernel mode), in seconds.
    U      Total number of CPU-seconds that the
           process used directly (in user mode),
           in seconds.
    e      Elapsed real (wall clock) time used by
           the process, in seconds.


在 PowerShell 中,您可以使用 Get-Process:

Get-Process | select starttime
