仅与远程对等方使用 IPv6 临时地址

仅与远程对等方使用 IPv6 临时地址

我认为这个问题涉及可配置的默认地址选择算法之间的交互,该算法由RFC-3484以及由以下定义的临时地址RFC-4941,尽管解决方案可能需要第三种功能。我的环境是 Linux(Ubuntu 12.04 上的内核版本 3.2.0),带有 iproute2 实用程序(版本 ss111117)。


例如,假设我的计算机是fuzzy,文件服务器是bunny。我想访问 IPv6 互联网上的某个网站 。nosey.example.com以下是 上分配的地址fuzzy

neirbowj@fuzzy:~$ ip -6 addr show dev eth0
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qlen 1000
    inet6 2001:db8:d00d:babe:6d3b:96d0:f584:beb3/64 scope global temporary dynamic 
       valid_lft 599342sec preferred_lft 80342sec
    inet6 2001:db8:d00d:babe:22fc:11ff:fe53:b2e7/64 scope global dynamic 
       valid_lft 2591986sec preferred_lft 604786sec
    inet6 fe80::22fc:11ff:fe53:b2e7/64 scope link 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever


neirbowj@fuzzy:~$ grep bunny /etc/hosts
2001:db8:d00d:babe::1    bunny


neirbowj@fuzzy:~$ host -t aaaa nosey.example.com
nosey.example.com has IPv6 address 2001:db8:b00b:1e5::1


neirbowj@fuzzy:~$ ip addrlabel
prefix ::1/128 label 0 
prefix ::/96 label 3 
prefix ::ffff: label 4 
prefix 2001::/32 label 6 
prefix 2001:10::/28 label 7 
prefix 2002::/16 label 2 
prefix fc00::/7 label 5 
prefix ::/0 label 1 

当我连接到时bunny,我想使用2001:db8:d00d:babe:22fc:11ff:fe53:b2e7,因为它是不是标记为“ temporary”。当我连接到时nosey.example.com,我想使用,2001:db8:d00d:babe:6d3b:96d0:f584:beb3因为它标记为“ temporary”。这可能吗?如果可以,怎么办?

我已经读过了Linux 中的 IPv6 源地址选择如何工作,但我看不出任何规则会如何影响这个选择,甚至不temporary知道标志如何通知地址选择。


Section 3.1 Assumptions


Finally, this document assumes that when a node initiates outgoing
communication, temporary addresses can be given preference over
public addresses when the device is configured to do so.
[ADDR_SELECT] mandates implementations to provide a mechanism, which
allows an application to configure its preference for temporary
addresses over public addresses.  It also allows for an
implementation to prefer temporary addresses by default, so that the
connections initiated by the node can use temporary addresses without
requiring application-specific enablement.  This document also
assumes that an API will exist that allows individual applications to
indicate whether they prefer to use temporary or public addresses and
override the system defaults.


这看起来像是一个奇怪的地方,但在 Linux 中,您可以在路由表中执行此操作。


# ip -6 route
2001:db8:d00d:babe::/64 dev eth0  proto kernel  metric 256 
default via 2001:db8:d00d:babe::1 dev eth0  metric 1024 


# ip -6 route add 2001:db8:d00d:babe::/64 \
                  dev eth0 \
                  src 2001:db8:d00d:babe:22fc:11ff:fe53:b2e7 \
                  metric 128

由于此路由的度量低于当前路由(度量为 256),因此它将覆盖当前路由。当您现在连接到bunny地址时,2001:db8:d00d:babe::1此路由将匹配并使用配置的源地址。


# ip -6 route add 2001:db8:d00d::/48 \
                  via 2001:db8:d00d:babe::1 \
                  dev eth0 \
                  src 2001:db8:d00d:babe:22fc:11ff:fe53:b2e7 \
                  metric 128
