

我似乎即将让我的 Beoplay P2 蓝牙扬声器与我的 Ubuntu / KDE 笔记本电脑配合使用:


    [NEW] Device 04:FE:A1:4B:0F:EA Fenchurch

这是扬声器设备。 (它的名字是Fenchurch。)当我询问更多细节时,我得到的似乎是合理的:

[bluetooth]# info 04:FE:A1:4B:0F:EA
Device 04:FE:A1:4B:0F:EA
    Name: Fenchurch
    Alias: Fenchurch
    Class: 0x240414
    Icon: audio-card
    Paired: yes
    Trusted: yes
    Blocked: no
    Connected: yes
    LegacyPairing: no
    UUID: Headset                   (00001108-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
    UUID: Audio Sink                (0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
    UUID: A/V Remote Control Target (0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
    UUID: Advanced Audio Distribu.. (0000110d-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
    UUID: A/V Remote Control        (0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
    UUID: Handsfree                 (0000111e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
    UUID: PnP Information           (00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
    Modalias: bluetooth:v0103p1005d0100


该设备出现在 Plasma 音频音量小部件中:

音量小部件显示 Fenchurch 的音量一直调高


pavuctl 显示 Fenchurch 的音量一路调高





  • 我的手机可以毫无困难地连接到扬声器并通过它播放。
  • 事实上,当我在笔记本电脑和手机上打开 Spotify 时,Spotify 可以告诉手机播放来自连接的蓝牙扬声器的音乐!
  • 当我禁用手机的蓝牙连接以确保扬声器已连接到笔记本电脑时,它会显示绿色指示灯而不是白色指示灯。这意味着它处于“免提”模式。我不确定这与普通演讲者有何不同。



我可以通过输入正确的名称让它识别 P2,但我不知道如何找到该名称。

根据以下请求,以下是输出systemctl status bluetooth

    ● bluetooth.service - Bluetooth service
       Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
       Active: active (running) since Fri 2018-07-27 11:09:02 EDT; 9min ago
         Docs: man:bluetoothd(8)
     Main PID: 915 (bluetoothd)
       Status: "Running"
       CGroup: /system.slice/bluetooth.service
               └─915 /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd

    Jul 27 11:14:40 avocet bluetoothd[915]: Unable to register GATT service with handle 0x0017 for device 04:FE:A1:4B:0F:EA
    Jul 27 11:14:40 avocet bluetoothd[915]: Unable to register GATT service with handle 0x003d for device 04:FE:A1:4B:0F:EA
    Jul 27 11:15:21 avocet bluetoothd[915]: Endpoint unregistered: sender=:1.56 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource
    Jul 27 11:15:21 avocet bluetoothd[915]: Endpoint unregistered: sender=:1.56 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink
    Jul 27 11:15:21 avocet bluetoothd[915]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.77 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource
    Jul 27 11:15:21 avocet bluetoothd[915]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.77 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink
    Jul 27 11:15:41 avocet bluetoothd[915]: Unable to register GATT service with handle 0x000a for device 04:FE:A1:4B:0F:EA
    Jul 27 11:15:41 avocet bluetoothd[915]: Unable to register GATT service with handle 0x0013 for device 04:FE:A1:4B:0F:EA
    Jul 27 11:15:41 avocet bluetoothd[915]: Unable to register GATT service with handle 0x0017 for device 04:FE:A1:4B:0F:EA
    Jul 27 11:15:41 avocet bluetoothd[915]: Unable to register GATT service with handle 0x003d for device 04:FE:A1:4B:0F:EA

这是输出journalctl -n 50

    -- Logs begin at Fri 2018-07-27 11:09:01 EDT, end at Fri 2018-07-27 11:17:01 EDT. --
    Jul 27 11:10:10 avocet org.kde.kdeconnect[1527]: kdeconnect.plugin.notification: removeNotification "0|com.spotify.music|2131363975|null|10143"
    Jul 27 11:10:10 avocet org.kde.kdeconnect[1527]: kdeconnect.core: "The remote host closed the connection"
    Jul 27 11:10:10 avocet org.kde.kdeconnect[1527]: kdeconnect.core: "The remote host closed the connection"
    Jul 27 11:12:31 avocet org.kubuntu.DriverManager[1527]: Traceback (most recent call last):
    Jul 27 11:12:31 avocet org.kubuntu.DriverManager[1527]:   File "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/DriverManager_DBus", line 24, in <module>
    Jul 27 11:12:31 avocet org.kubuntu.DriverManager[1527]:     import dbus
    Jul 27 11:12:31 avocet org.kubuntu.DriverManager[1527]: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dbus'
    Jul 27 11:14:00 avocet org.kde.kdeconnect[1527]: kdeconnect.plugin.notification: Destroying NotificationsPlugin
    Jul 27 11:14:00 avocet org.kde.kdeconnect[1527]: kdeconnect.plugin.notification: Destroying NotificationsListener
    Jul 27 11:14:40 avocet bluetoothd[915]: Unable to register GATT service with handle 0x000a for device 04:FE:A1:4B:0F:EA
    Jul 27 11:14:40 avocet bluetoothd[915]: Unable to register GATT service with handle 0x0013 for device 04:FE:A1:4B:0F:EA
    Jul 27 11:14:40 avocet bluetoothd[915]: Unable to register GATT service with handle 0x0017 for device 04:FE:A1:4B:0F:EA
    Jul 27 11:14:40 avocet bluetoothd[915]: Unable to register GATT service with handle 0x003d for device 04:FE:A1:4B:0F:EA
    Jul 27 11:15:21 avocet sudo[3074]: pam_ecryptfs: pam_sm_authenticate: /home/mjd is already mounted
    Jul 27 11:15:21 avocet sudo[3074]:      mjd : TTY=pts/2 ; PWD=/home/mjd ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/pkill pulseaudio
    Jul 27 11:15:21 avocet sudo[3074]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by mjd(uid=0)
    Jul 27 11:15:21 avocet sudo[3074]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
    Jul 27 11:15:21 avocet bluetoothd[915]: Endpoint unregistered: sender=:1.56 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource
    Jul 27 11:15:21 avocet bluetoothd[915]: Endpoint unregistered: sender=:1.56 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink
    Jul 27 11:15:21 avocet rtkit-daemon[1654]: Successfully made thread 3091 of process 3091 (n/a) owned by '1000' high priority at nice level -11.
    Jul 27 11:15:21 avocet rtkit-daemon[1654]: Supervising 1 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
    Jul 27 11:15:21 avocet rtkit-daemon[1654]: Supervising 1 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
    Jul 27 11:15:21 avocet rtkit-daemon[1654]: Successfully made thread 3093 of process 3091 (n/a) owned by '1000' RT at priority 5.
    Jul 27 11:15:21 avocet rtkit-daemon[1654]: Supervising 2 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
    Jul 27 11:15:21 avocet rtkit-daemon[1654]: Supervising 2 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
    Jul 27 11:15:21 avocet rtkit-daemon[1654]: Successfully made thread 3094 of process 3091 (n/a) owned by '1000' RT at priority 5.
    Jul 27 11:15:21 avocet rtkit-daemon[1654]: Supervising 3 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
    Jul 27 11:15:21 avocet bluetoothd[915]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.77 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource
    Jul 27 11:15:21 avocet bluetoothd[915]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.77 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink
    Jul 27 11:15:21 avocet pulseaudio[3091]: [pulseaudio] backend-ofono.c: Failed to register as a handsfree audio agent with ofono: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.ofono was not provided by any .service files
    Jul 27 11:15:21 avocet rtkit-daemon[1654]: Successfully made thread 3096 of process 3096 (n/a) owned by '1000' high priority at nice level -11.
    Jul 27 11:15:21 avocet rtkit-daemon[1654]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
    Jul 27 11:15:21 avocet pulseaudio[3096]: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running.
    Jul 27 11:15:41 avocet bluetoothd[915]: Unable to register GATT service with handle 0x000a for device 04:FE:A1:4B:0F:EA
    Jul 27 11:15:41 avocet bluetoothd[915]: Unable to register GATT service with handle 0x0013 for device 04:FE:A1:4B:0F:EA
    Jul 27 11:15:41 avocet bluetoothd[915]: Unable to register GATT service with handle 0x0017 for device 04:FE:A1:4B:0F:EA
    Jul 27 11:15:41 avocet bluetoothd[915]: Unable to register GATT service with handle 0x003d for device 04:FE:A1:4B:0F:EA
    Jul 27 11:16:41 avocet kernel: input: 04:FE:A1:4B:0F:EA as /devices/virtual/input/input22
    Jul 27 11:16:44 avocet rtkit-daemon[1654]: Supervising 3 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
    Jul 27 11:16:44 avocet rtkit-daemon[1654]: Successfully made thread 3145 of process 3091 (n/a) owned by '1000' RT at priority 5.
    Jul 27 11:16:44 avocet rtkit-daemon[1654]: Supervising 4 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
    Jul 27 11:16:44 avocet kernel: Bluetooth: hci0 SCO packet for unknown connection handle 0
    Jul 27 11:16:44 avocet kernel: Bluetooth: hci0 SCO packet for unknown connection handle 0
    Jul 27 11:16:44 avocet kernel: Bluetooth: hci0 SCO packet for unknown connection handle 0
    Jul 27 11:16:44 avocet kernel: Bluetooth: hci0 SCO packet for unknown connection handle 0
    Jul 27 11:16:44 avocet kernel: Bluetooth: hci0 SCO packet for unknown connection handle 0
    Jul 27 11:16:44 avocet kernel: Bluetooth: hci0 SCO packet for unknown connection handle 0
    Jul 27 11:17:01 avocet CRON[3147]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
    Jul 27 11:17:01 avocet CRON[3148]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
    Jul 27 11:17:01 avocet CRON[3147]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root






选择“Fenchurch”使mplayerP2 输出。

我可以为 Spotify 做同样的事情。

我想下一步是了解如何让系统在 P2 可用时优先选择它。 这个问题似乎很相关。但现在我有足够的解决方案来继续我的一天。


您是否尝试通过取消声卡静音alsamixer?另外你可以分享一下systemctl status bluetoothjournalctl -n 50吗?
